Foster Francis 1701 of Nether Broughton will and inventory

Francis Fosterd of Nether Broughton 1701 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1701

In the name of god Amen the ninth day of March 1694 I Francis Fosterd of Nether Broughton in the county of Leicester sicke and weake in body but of good and perfect mind & memory blessed be almighty god doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manor and forme following, that is to say

First I comitt my soule in to the hands of allmighty god who gave itt mee hopeing to be saved by the alone meritts of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and Redemer, and for my body I leave it to the Earth from whence if was taken to be buried in a decent manner in the Church of Neather Broughton aforesaid in hopes of a Joyfull Resurrection

And as for my goods, Chattles, and worldly estate which it hath pleased god to lend mee I give and dispose of as followes

Imprimis I give unto my son Samuell & daughter Sarah fifty pounds apeace to be paid them when they are att one and twenty yeares of age & if it please god either of them should dy before thay come att age the longer liver to have the whole hundred pounds

In the next place I give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Parnella Fosterd the remainder of my estate whom I make my sole Executrix

In wittnese whereof I Francis Fosterd have heare sett my hand to this my last will & testament the day & year above wrighten

                                                                                                         Francis Fosterd his marcke

Wittnised by us

Tho Mucklow

Henry Orson


A True and Perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattle and chattels of Francis Fosterd of Nether Broughton deseised Taken and Prised the 14th day of February in the yeare of our Lord 1700 by them whose Names are under written as followeth

  £ s d
Imprimis his Purse and Apparrell 5 0 0
Itm In the hall, a Table a Cubbord 4 Chares, a form, fire irons & rackins 02 00 00
Itm In the best parlor, one bedstead curtains, & bedding thereunto belonging      
Five Chairs, & one Chest 01 00 00
Itm In the little parlour a bedstead & bedding thereunto belonging, a chest,      
2 chaires, a table 01 03 00
Itm In pewter, & brass 04 10 00
Itm In the Kitching, tubs, kitts, barrells churns & other small things 01 12 06
Itm In the Chamber, wheat, & cheese 03 00 00
Itm In linning, sheets, table cloths 02 00 00
Itm Six Cowes, Two heifers, 2 rearing calves 20 00 00
Itm Therty Sheep 15 00 00
Itm Two swine hogs 02 14 00
Itm Corn, hay, & coals 05 00 00
Itm Small things unseen, & forgotten 01 00 00
In Bonds 20 00 00
                                                                                                   The Sum Totall 83 19 06

William Browne

Richard Wright

George Browne

William Wright

Probate 3 May 1701