Francis Foster of Nether Broughton 1636 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/248
Memorandum that upon the feast day of Epyphanie in the yeare of our Lord god 1635 last past Francis Foster of the parish of Netherbroughton in the Countie of Leicester beeing sick by his fire side in his house at the parrish aforesaid but beeing in perfect memory did declare his will nuncupative by word of mouth in manner & forme following vizt
Hee gave unto his boy meaning his sonne John Foster which hee had by his former wife xs & alsoe to the sd John all his weareing Apparrell to his daughter Mary Foster iiis iiiid & to his daughter Joane Foster vs
All the rest of his goods & chattells whatsoever hee gave to Mary Foster his wife towards the bringing up of her small children which words were spoken in the presence & heareing of Anthony Marriott husbandman & Willm Wright husbandman
Probate 27 January 1636