Faulks Richard 1707 of Long Clawson will and inventory

Richard Faulks of Long Clawson 1707 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1707/52

In the Name of god Amen I Richard Fawkes of Long Claxton in the county of Leicester yeoman doe make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and forme following That is to say

Imprimis I Give and bequeath unto my loveing wife Elizabeth Fawkes all those household goods I had with her att the time of my Marriage And Two Cows and Ten Sheepe as she shall choose out of all my Cows and sheepe within one month after my desease and alsoe my Best Bedstead And alsoe Two pounds of necessary houshold goods to be set out and valued by William Mason and John Marriott

Item I Give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my sd wife all such houses Lands and Tenemts which she has already in her Joynture for and dureing her Naturall Life without Impeachment of Wast in full of her Thirds and dower

Item I Give devise and bequeath unto my son William Fawkes one oxgange of Land which I purchased of John Marriott with the appurtts for his maintenance and Educacon Imediately after my decease to him the said William Fawkes his heirs and assignes forever But if the said William Fawkes dye before he attaine the age of one and twenty years that then all and singuler the Lands and premises menconed and expressed in his mothers Joynture after the death of Elizabeth my said wife shall be equally divided amongst the rest of all my children hereafter named

Item I give devise and bequeath unto my Eldest son Richard Fawkes his heirs and assignes forever All that my Messuage house or tenement and three homecloses to the said messuage house or tenemt belonging scituate standing lyeing and being in Long Claxton aforesd wherein I now dwell and alsoe all that other Little close lyeing near to the said Three closes called by the name of Flowers close and alsoe all those Two oxgangs of Land and one quarter of one oxgange of Land and the third part of a quarter of one oxgange of Land lyeing and being within the feilds and Liberties of Long Claxton aforesaid and which are now in my owne possession And alsoe all that Close Lyeing and being in the Liberties of Hose in the County of Leicester called Haines close And all those Two oxgangs of Land with their appurtts Lyeing and being in the feilds and Liberties of Hose aforesd now alsoe in my own possession And alsoe all that Close called by the name of the pingle Lyeing & being in Claxton aforsaid adjoyning to the sd Three homecloses and alsoe all that my

messuage house or tenemt and little close thereto belonging in Claxton aforesd now in the tenure and occupacon of Anne Clayton And all that my part & share of the wind mill standing & being in the Liberties of Long Claxton aforesaid And alsoe all that oxgange of Land with the appurtts which I purchased of Thomas Leavers Lyeing in the Liberties of Hose aforesd (subject Neverthelesse to the paymt of Two hundred and fifty pounds and alsoe an Annuity of five pounds … in maner following That is to say)

That he the said Richard Fawkes my son doe as soone as Elizabeth Fawkes my daughter shall attaine to the age of one & Twenty years pay or cause to be paid unto William Mason of Whissendine in the County of Rutland yeoman my Brother and John Marriott of Melton Mowbray in the county of Leicester mercer or the survivour of them or the heirs & assigns of the sd William Mason & John Marriott the sume of one hundred and fifty pounds and twenty pounds in houshold  goods in trust for the sole use and benefitt of Elizabeth Fawkes my daughter which I doe hereby give and bequeath unto her to be paid by my son Richard Fawkes in maner as aforesd And to be paid by them the sd William Mason & John Marriott or the survivor of them or the heirs & assignes of the sd William Mason & John Marriott or which of them receiving the same unto my daughter Elizabeth so soone as my daughter Elizabeth shall be married or attaine the age of one & Twenty years

And alsoe pay or Cause to be paid unto William Mason and John Marriott or the survivor of them the heirs & assignes of the sd William Mason and John Marriott the sume of one hundred pounds and Twenty pounds in houshold goods in trust for the sole use and benefit of Mary Fawkes my daughter which I doe hereby give and bequeath unto her to be paid by my son Richard Fawkes as aforesd And to be paid by them the said William Mason and John Marriott or the survivor of them or the heirs or assignes of the sd William Mason and John Marriott or which of them receiving the same unto my daughter May so soon as my daughter Mary shall be Married or attaine the age of one & Twenty years

And alsoe I give & bequeath unto Mary Fawkes my daughter the yearely rent or sume of five pounds from and after my decease to be paid her halfe yearly by my son Richard Fawkes untill she shall attaine to the age of one and Twenty years for her maintenance and educacon until her said Legacy becomes due as aforesaid

And my will & mind is that in Case my son Richard Fawkes shall neglect or refuse to pay any the sume or sumes aforesd [small hole] the yearly rent of five pounds soe to be paid in forme and maner as aforesd It shall and may be Lawfull & I doe hereby give them the sd William Mason and John Marriott or the survivor of them or the heirs and assigns of the sd Willm Mason and John Marriott and the said Elizabeth and Mary Fawkes my two daughters full power to enter into & upon all and singuler the aforesaid house and close called Claytons house and Close and the Close called the pingle the share of the Wind Mill and the oxgange of Land which I purchased of Thomas Leavers and the same to have hold and enjoy and to receive and take the rents issues & yearly profitts thereof untill the aforesd sumes of money and every part and parcel thereof be fully paid and satisfied and alsoe the yearly rent of five pounds and all Charges either in Law or equity which shall be expended or laid out for or by reason of the recovery of sd summe and summes of money aforesd and the sd Annuall or yearly rent of five pounds

Item I Give and devise and bequeath unto my son John Fawkes his heirs and assignes forever all that my messuage house or tenemt with the appurtts thereunto belonging which I purchased of John Voysey and the Closes thereto belonging with the dovehouse and halfe an oxgange of Land which my uncle John gave me with their appurtts scituate standing Lyeing and being in Hose aforesd and the feilds and Liberties there of all which said premisses are now in my owne possession

Item I Give devise and bequeath unto my son Thomas Fawkes his heirs and assignes forever All that messuage or Tenement and Close thereto belonging with their appurtts Late in the possession of Thomas Hall and now in my owne possession And alsoe the New close and the Mill close which I purchased of John Voysey which said Messuage or tenemt with the appurtts are Scituate and being in Claxton aforesd and the sd Closes in the Liberties of Hose aforesaid Subject neverthelesse to the payment of fifty pounds in manner following (That is to say)

That he the [“said” missing] Thomas Fawkes my son doe as soone as Mary Fawkes my daughter shall attaine the age of one & twenty years pay or Cause to be paid unto the said William Mason and John Marriott or the survivor of them or the heirs or assignes of the sd Willm Mason and John Marriott the sume of fifty pounds in trust for the sole use and benefit of Mary Fawkes my daughter which I doe hereby give and bequeath unto her my daughter Mary soe soone as my daughter Mary shall be married or attaine the age of one and Twenty years

And my will and mind is that in case my son Thomas Fawkes shall neglect or refuse to pay the said fifty pounds as aforesd at the time or times appointed for payment thereof It shall and may be Lawfull and I doe hereby give them the said Willm Mason and John Marriott or the survivor of them or their heirs and assignes and Mary Fawkes my daughter full power to enter into and upon the said New close and Mill Close and the same to have hold and enjoy and to receive and take the rents issues and yearly profitts thereof untill the sd sume of fifty pounds and every part

thereof be fully paid and satisfied and all Charges either in Law or equity for the recovery of the same

Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of Long Clawson the sume of Twenty shillings to be paid by my extor hereafter named within Twelve Months after my decease

Item I Give and bequeath unto the poore of Hose the sume of Ten shillings to be paid within Twelve months after my decease by My extor hereafter named

And as for and Concerning all the rest of my estate money goods Chattells and personall estate whatsoever which I shall happen to be possessed at the time of my decease I give devise and bequeath of the same and every part thereof which is undisposed of unto my Eldest son Richard Fawkes he the said Richard Fawkes paying all my Just debts and Legacys and Annuity hereinbefore by me bequeathed and I doe hereby make and ordain my son Richard Fawkes my full and sole execitor of this my Last will and Testament

And I doe hereby make them the sd Willm Mason and John Marriott Trustees to see this my Last will & Testamt duly performed and I doe hereby disanull & make void all former wills by me heretofore made and doe make & ordaine this my Last will and Testament

In witnesse whereof I have to this my Last will and Testament sett my hand and seale this Twelfth day of May in the yeare of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred and seven

                                                                                                         Rich. Fawkes

Signed sealed published and declared by the said Richard Fawkes as his Last will and Testament in the presence of us whose names are hereunto subscribed and sett in the presence of the Testator

Andrew Guy

Hanah Manchester her marke

Jph: Hawley


A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattell and Chattells of Richard Faukes of Claxton als Long Clauson in the County of Leicester yeoman deceased the third day of June 1707 and apprized the seaventh day of June following by us whose names are here subscribed

  li s d
Imprimis his purse and apparell 20 0 0
Item In the best chamber a bed & bedding Coverlids chests and chaires a table      
two cubberds and other things  18 0 0
Item In the chamber over the house three beds & bedding three chests a cradle      
& chaires & other things there 14 0 0
Item In the garrats Cheese & bacon & skeps & boards and other smal things 3 0 0
Item In the best parlour a bed and bedding & a cubbord & chaires 5 0 0
Item In the litle parlour a bed and bedding 1 0 0
Item In the Kitchin Tubbs and Querns a table & several other things      
Item In the dairy milk & milk vessells & shelvs & shelvs over that room 1 2 0
Item In the old parlour a bed & other things 0 13 4
Item A copper & four broad pannes six potts four hingle pannes and two      
candlesticks & other brass 7 1 4
Item A cheespress & barrells & trencher heck and weights & scales 1 3 4
Item Peuter viz dishes and plates & candlesticks &c 3 12 3
Item In the house a clock & a table & chaires 3 5 0
Item In the chimney fire iron fire shovel and tongs & hookes & other necessary      
things 0 19 9
Item Three mares and foales and one with foal, a store horse and two geldings      
& five barren mares & four yearlings 85 0 0
Item Sixteen milch bease 30 0 0
Item Ten young bease and four calves 12 10 0
Item 120 old old sheep and fourty lambs 33 0 0
Item Swine in the yard old and young 6 0 0
Item A wagon and three carts 14 0 0
Item New geers and old geers 10 0 0
Item five harrows and five sheep cribbs 2 10 0
Item Plows and sawn timber and ladders 2 10 0
Item Bease cribbs & swine troughs & horse troughs & a fanne 2 0 0
Item foure treas & fold fleakes and old wood & new wood 5 0 0
Item forkes & rakes & shovells & spades & cieves & measures and edge tooles      
and old iron 1 1 6
Item Hay and straw 2 0 0
Item Coales 5 0 0
Item Wheat & barley and Malt and pease & bags & forks 15 0 0
Item Nine oxgang and a half of Corn 14 10 0
Item Manure 2 10 0
Item Things unseen and forgot 2 0 0
  416 8 6

John Reay

Robert Hickling

John Marriott

Robt Garton

Probate 25 September 1707