Robert Farthinge of Harby 1584 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1584/57
In the name of god Amen I Robert Farthinge of Harby within the countie of Leicester laborer beinge sicke in body but whole in minde thanks be given unto god doe make this my laste Will & Testament in manner and forme following
First I bequeathe my soule to almightie god who is the redemer of all mankynde and my body to be buried within the church yeard of Harby
Also I will that Elizabeth my wife shall have my house with the grounds thereunto belonging during her life and that after her decease to remain to my daughter Jhon Fathinge whome I doe make my full …
Item I give to Jhon Farthinge otherwise called Jhon Shepperdsone one Coowe and one hewe & a lame
All my goods unbequeathed moveable & unmoveable my dettes beinge paide of the whole I give thone half of it unto Jhon my daughter and the other halfe unto Elizabethe my wife whome I doe make my full executor of this my laste will and Testament
It my dette to Robert Smithe xxxiis xid
It to Elizabethe Daye xxs
It I make Thomas Dubday and Edward Nicholson the supervisors of this my last will & Testament
An Inventory of Robert Farthinge goods Latte Departed beinge prised the xiiith of July by Thomas Ives Jhon Broddill Edward Nicolson & Henry Dubday
Imprimis in the hall one table one forme ii cheares one ambery | ii Nobles |
and ii pennes | xvis |
It x pewter platters v pottingers iii sawsers iii candelsticke ii salt sellers | xiis iiiid |
It ii brasse potts iii litell brazen panes with other litell implements of wood | xvis |
It a fire yrne reckinge fire tonnge a brandirne | iis |
It in the parler ii paire of flaxan sheets | xiiis viiid |
It v paire of hardin sheetes | xvis viiid |
It ii coverlets | vis viiid |
It iiii pillowes with pillowbears viii table napkins and one bolster | vis viiid |
It one bedstock ii pented clothes iii coffers | xis viiid |
It in the chamber iiii tubes iii spinning wheles with other small implements | vs |
It ii ladders ii lodds of coles | viis |
It tow shottes | vis viiid |
Itm one sheepe crache one grindstone | iis |
It one … | xxd |
It ii kyne & sheepe & ii lames | iiiil |
It one acker of wheatte & barly one acker of pease | xxs |
It iii lodes of heaye | vs |
It one … vi hennes | iis |
It in his pursse | vis |
It one Lease taken by the said Robert Farthinge of Richard Wright for the yeare conteninge three acckers | iiil |
Jhon Broddill
Henry Dubday
Edward Nicolson
Thomas Ives
The mark of them
Summa totalis xvl vis vid