Thomas Doubleday of Long Clawson 1738 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1738
In the Name of God Amen I Thomas Doubleday of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Wheel wright being Mindfull of my Mortallity do Make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner following
First of all I hereby Confirm all and singular such Lands and Tenements and heredittaments which my Wife holds for the Term of her natural life in Joynture unto her for and During her natural life without any interruption whatsoever Except the buildings which is now in the possession of Robert Leake and one Little barn adjoining to Draper Lane now in my possession
Also I hereby give and Devise all that my Messuage or Tenement wherein I now Dwell with the Garden and Convenience adjoyning thereto And also the Kitchen I now make use of and little Shop adjoyning to it and a hovell place at the end of the said Shop as far as the Gale Stead And also the barn that were Made of Leavers old house together with the liberty and priviledges upon all lawfull and necessary occasions to water Goods at my pool and priviledge to bring Cariages and other things to the said barn and hovell through my back yard adjoyning to my said barn as often as occasion shall require Unto my loving Wife Grace Doubleday for and During the term of her natural life provided She Do within one Month after my Death release all her right title and Interest of and in the said Messuage or Tenement Yard and other buildings and Appurtences now in the possession of the said Robert Leake and also of and in the said little barn adjoyning to the Said Drapers Lane Unto my Niece Mary Doubleday and her Assignes it being my express Will and Mind And I Do hereby give and Devise the Said last Menconed Messuages buildings barnes and premises in the possession of the said Robert Leake and to the barn aforesaid Unto my Said Niece Mary her heirs and assignes for ever
Also I give and Devise after the Decease of my Said Wife All that little Croft or part of the orchard lying on the backside and adjoyning to the Said last Menconed buildings which was lately in the possession of John Wilson Unto my Said Niece Mary Doubleday her heires and assignes for ever
Also I give and Devise after the Decease of my Said Wife all that my Close of meadow or pasture ground with the appurtenances lying and being within the Lordship and precincts of Hose in the County of Leicester in a certain place there Called Hose hill Containing five acres more or less and now in my own possession Unto my three Nieces Mary Doubleday Sarah Doubleday and Dorothy Doubleday Daughters of my brother Henry Doubleday deceased To hold to them their heires and assignes for ever as Tenant in Common and not as Joynt Tenants
Also all the rest residue and remainder of all and Singular My Messuages Closes Cottages Lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever situate lying and being within the fields precincts and territories of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson and Hose aforesaid not herein before by me otherwise disposed off and wherein and whereof I have any estate of inheritance in possession revercon remainder or expectancy I give and Devise the Same Unto my Nephew John Doubleday Son of my brother John Doubleday To hold to him my Said Nephew and to his heires and assignes for ever Subject nevertheless to the payment of the annuall Sum of Ten Shillings to be paid into the hands of the Minister and Church wardens of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid upon the feast of Saint Thomas the Apostle yearly for ever to be by them then Distributed to and amongst the poor of the parish of Claxton otherwise Long Clawson aforesaid in Such Manner as they in their Discretion Shall think fit And I Do hereby Charge my Said Lands So given Unto My Said Nephew and his heires with the payment of the Said Annual Sum of ten Shillings to be paid in manner aforesaid provided always and it is my express Will and intent that my Said Niece Mary Doubleday Daughter of my Said brother John her heires Tenants and assignes shall at all times hereafter have liberty to fetch water from the Well now being in the yard belonging to the Messuage wherein I now Dwell to and for their use and benefitt as often as they Shall have occasion without any hindrance or Disturbance whatsoever
Also I give and bequeath Unto my Said Nieces Mary Sarah and Dorothy Doubleday daughters of my Said Brother Henry Deceased and also to my Said Niece Mary Doubleday Daughter of my Said brother John the Sum of thirty pounds apiece and my Will and Mind is that my Executor herein after named Shall within twelve months after my Decease pay the same into the hands of my kinsman John Doubleday Gentleman and Richard Healey of Eastwell Yeoman to be by them placed out at Interest and the yearly produce thereof pay Unto My heires respectively until they shall severally attain their ages of one and twenty years And when they shall respectively attain their ages of one and Twenty Years then I hereby Direct the said John Doubleday and Richard Healy to pay the said principal Sums of thirty pounds apiece Unto my Said Nieces for their own uses and benefitts
Also I give and bequeath unto the three younger Children of my Said Brother John Doubleday the Sum of ten pounds apiece
Also I give and bequeath Unto my said loving Wife the Sum of five and forty pounds in full payment and satisfaction of the Sum of twenty pounds I am obliged to pay to her or her relations by my bond provided by Said Wife pay out of the same my funeral expences
Also I give and Bequeath Unto my Said Wife one equal half part of all my household goods and Linnen to and for her own use and Disposall And my Will and Mind is that my Said Wife Shall use possess and enjoy the other half part of my Said household goods and Linnen during her natural life and after her Decease I give and Devise the same Unto my Said Nieces Mary Sarah and Dorothy Children of my Said Brother Henry Doubleday to be equally divided amongst them Share and Share alike
Also I give and bequeath Unto my said Wife two of my best Cowes and my Crops of Corn Grain and Hay growing upon that Land which she holds for her life by Joynture or otherwise
Also I give Unto Richard Julian Son of my Nephew John Julian ten pounds to be paid him within twelve months after my death
Also I give Unto George Julian Ann Julian and Joseph Julian Children of my brother Julian Decd ten pounds to be divided amongst them twelve Months after my Death
Also I give Unto my Said Wife twenty Cheese and a flitch of bacon four Strike of wheat and four strike of Malt for her own use
Also I give and bequeath Unto my Nephew Richard Smith two Guineas
Also all the rest of my Goods Cattle Chattels and personall Estate whatsoever my Debts and Legacies being first thereout payd I give and bequeath Unto my brother John Doubleday whom I hereby appoint full and Sole executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me Made declaring this to be my last Wills and Testament
In Witness whereof I the said Thomas Doubleday have hereunto set my hand and Seale this Seven and twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and thirty eight
Thomas Doubleday
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the Said Thomas Doubleday the Testator for and as his last Will and Testament in the presence of use who have Subscribed our names as Witnesses in the presence
Thomas Rouse
Thomas Barke
Anth Wadd
John Doubleday the above named Extor was Sworn the First day of July 1728 before me
June the 5th 1738
A True Inventory of all the Goods Chattell and Cattle of Thomas Doubleday Wheelwright of Long Claxton in the County of Leicester Deceased
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis His purse and Apparrell | 115 | 18 | 6 |
In the Shop and Yard the Wood and Tools | 148 | 01 | 0 |
The Wood at Eastwell | 7 | 1 | 6 |
One Mare and Foale | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Five Cows | 15 | 1 | 6 |
Four Yearling | 3 | 1 | 0 |
Two Calves | 1 | 5 | 6 |
Three Swine | 1 | 18 | 6 |
Wheat and Malt and Beans in the House | 3 | 7 | 6 |
One Flitch of Bacon and Twenty Small Cheeses | 0 | 17 | 6 |
The Wheat and Barley Growing in the Field | 2 | 12 | 6 |
The Grass growing in the Cloase and Field | 1 | 15 | 6 |
One Fann i half Strike and the Scieves three Shovells | 00 | 12 | 0 |
One Gunner Won Pilin one Spade five Baggs | 01 | 1 | 6 |
One pr of Steel K… one Saddle 1 Bridle | 0 | 10 | 6 |
For not Seen and for Goten | 0 | 6 | 0 |
Job Kester [?] )
Thomas Rouse ) Praisers