Richard Doubleday of Harby 1573 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1573
In the name of god amen The xii daye of Maye in the yeare of our lord god 1573 I Richard Dubbeldaye [small part of right hand of page missing, should say “of Harby”] in the Countie of Leicester beinge of hole mynd and perfecte remembrance thankes be to god do make this my last [Will and] Testament in maner and forme followinge
First I bequeath and commend my soule to almightie god trusting by [tear] the greate mercye of god that my sinnes are clearely forgiven by Jesus Christ, through his most precious [tear] passion, and beinge cloathed with the Righteousnes of him I trust to come to his everlastinge kingdom [tear, something like “and my body I”] will that it be buried in the Church yarde of Harby
… concerninge my Temperall goods whiche god [tear, something like “hath blessed me with”] my minde is by the grace of god to dispose them as followeth vizt
I geve and bequeath to my Sonne Thomas Dubbledaye five pounde to be paide unto him in ready monye at the age of xxi years
Moreover I geve to the said Thomas my sonne [small tear] plough and plowe geares with all things thereto belonginge and ii Steares three yeares olde to be delivered him [small tear] daie of his age aforesayd
Itm I geve to my son Mathewe Dubbelldaie five pound to be paid unto him in ready monye [“at”] the age of xxi yeares and also I do geve to the said Mathewe a plowe and plowe geares with all things belonginge thereto with ii Steares of three yeares olde to be delivered him at the daie of his age aforesayd
Itm I geve and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Dubbelldaye five pounde to be paid unto her at the daie of her Mariage or at the age of xxiiii yeares also I geve to the said Elizabeth a Matresse a bolster a pere of flaxen Sheets and a peare of harden Sheets a blanket and ii Coverlets at the time aforesaid
Itm I and bequeath to my daughter Anne [tear] v li to be paid unto her in ready monye at the daie of her Marriage or at her age of xxiiii years also I geve to the said Anne a mattresse a bolster a peare of flaxen sheets a peare of harden sheets a blanket and ii Coverlets to be delivered her at the same time
Itm I geve and bequeath to my daughters Margaret Dubbelldaye Eliner Dubbelldaie Sence Dubbelldaie and Margery Dubbelldaie to everi on of them v li to be paid to everi on of them at the daie of there mariage or ells at there full ages of xx yeares if they be not maried before that time
Itm I geve and bequeath to my daughter Isabell Dubbelldaie fiftie thre shillings and iiiid to be paid unto her within on yeare after my deathe
Itm I geve to my brother Robert Daiea strike of barley
Itm I geve to my brother William Daye a strike of barley
Itm I geve to my brother Jhon Daye a strike of wheate at the day of his Mariage
Itm I geve to my sister Isabill a strike of [small tear]
Itm I geve to my sister Agnis Daie a heffer
Itm I geve to Jhon Fowler my manservant one cowe hoge
Itm I geve to Jhon Jonson my sheperde a lambe at the clipping time
Itm I geve in the town of Harby the poore iid
Itm I geve to bequeath to my wyfe Cicelie Dubbeldaie all my whole right and Interest of yeares of my lease and farm that I now dwell in so longe as she is widow, also I will if she marye, or if god do call hir to his mercye before my … be expired in my lease, I doo geve those yeares that be remaininge of my lease and farme aforesaid, to my sonne Thomas Dubbelldaye and his heares
All the rest of my goods unbequeathed I doo geve them wholie to my wiffe Cicelie Dubbelldaie performing my legaces aforesaid, payinge my debts and discharginge my funerall and I doo make the said Cicelie my wiffe my full executrix of this my last Will and Testament
Furthermore I doo make ordaine and constitute my faythfull frends Jhon Tinsley and Mathew Kempe the Supvisors of this my last will and do geve to either of them xiid and those costs and charges born by my executrix at such times as shall travaile for the performance of this my will
These beinge witnesses
Richard Thorpe parson of Harby
Jhon Tinseley Mathew Kempe
William Longworth
Whith Manye others
An Invitori of all the goods and Chattills moveable and unmoveable of Richard Dubbilldaie of Harby in the Countie of Leicester deceassed the xii daie of Maye in the yeare of oure lord god 1573 praysed equallye by these foure men Thomas Ives Jhon Tinsley Mathew Kempe Robert Byard
Imprimis all the goods moveable in the house in the parler in the kychin and in the backe | |
house | xxx li |
Itm all the goods in the yarde and barne as plowghe and plowe geares cart and cart | |
geares, with ovill proppes and timber | vi li |
Itm viii horses and mares | x li |
Itm viii ky and iiii calves | xi li |
Itm xiii Yonge | x li |
Itm a hundreth sheepe | xviii li |
Itm in pullen | iiiis |
Itm xix swine | liis |
Itm the Croppe on the grounde | xxx li |
Somme totalis cxvii li xvis |