Dixon John 1614 of Stathern will and inventory

John Dixon of Stathern 1614 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/237

Memorand that the 19th day of December in this present yeare 1614 John Dixon of the towne of Statherne by trade a butcher being very sicke and weake in bodye and of … perfect remembrance being … and … called upon by Roger … Clarke, Thomas Rowse his uncle and Richard Rowse his kinsman to make a will which he was very unwilling to doe but yet at last after divers persuasions he was drawne to make a kinde of nuncupative will giving the lease of his house to his sone Richard Dixon and twenty marke a peece to his twoe daughters and 40s to his old mother being a blinded woman towards the bying of a Cowe for her better maintenance and the houses old stuffe to be devided by equally portion amongst the three children and his sonne Richard to be his executor


An Inventorie of all the goods & cattells of John Dicson of Stathern diseased mayde the thirtie daye of December in the yeare of owr lord god one thowsande six honderth & fowreteene & prased the same daye … Thomas Towans Richarde Dicson Andrew Dicson & Thomas Dicson as followeth

Itm in his porce xvi li
Itm his aparrell xiiis iiiid
Itm all the corne xvi li
Itm hovells payles & wood in the yerde xxs
Itm three horses & mares vi li
Itm three kye iiii li iiis viiid
Itm one fat hog xxvis viiid
One sow being with piges xiiis iiiid
Itm in the shop iis
Itm all the hey iiii li
Itm ii … with … & other Iron viis
Itm one olde weyne xxs
Itm all the puter xiiis iiiid
Itm all the brasse with fryeing pan xxs
Itm fyve barrells vis
Other tubbs vis viiid
Itm one salting hogg & … vis viiid
Itm chesefats with woden platers xiid
Itm dishes & trenchers & some other tryfells xvid
Itm ii panshons & a littell tronke xviiid
Itm a kimnell & a booll for milke viiid
Itm ii lennen wheles & one wollen wheyll iiis vid
Itm one sayke iiii sives & a framing stole iiis iiiid
It the fyer Iron tongs recings spits & coverlet ) xs
Itm brandorn & an iron p…                                 )  
Itm a table with a frame & a bofet forme ii cheares a barbench a settell & ii stoles xxs
Itm a press & a cobbert in the hall xxxs
Itm fowre peales for water iis
Itm all the payntid clothes in the howse iis
Itm ii payre of fine sheetes iiis iiiid
Itm one … sheete xs
Itm fowre payre of hempen sheets xxviiis
Itm six payre of harden shetes xxiiiis
It ii long table clothes viiis
Itm ii shorte table clothes vis
Itm ii cobert clothes iiiis
Itm ii ordenari table clothes iis vid
Itm xiiii table napkins & ii pilloberes xvis
Itm ii new coverings xxviiis
Itm iii olde coverlet xs
Itm iii matressis v pilloes & ii boulsters xxs
It ii valances iis vid
Itm i cobert and a chest  
Itm a standing bedstead & a trundle bed xs
Itm one bruing leade vis viiid
Itm sackcloth viis
Itm vii qweshens iiis
Itm piche forks xiid
Itm pollen in the yerde vs
Itm the lease of the howse iiii li
Itm owing by John Perpoynte viii li
                                        Suma totalis 81 li 12s  
The debts of John Dixon deceased  
Imprimis to Thomas Townes 12 li
It to Robert Hall 4 li
It to Richard Rowse the younger 5 li 10s
It for the Rent of … 3 li
It for the … of … beastes 5s
It to Jane Mason for wages 4s 4d
It to Smalleyes wife 2s 6d

Probate 13 January 1614/5