Dallywater Geoffrey 1673 of Harby will and inventory

Jefery Dallewater of Harby 1673 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1673/86

In the name of god amen I Jefery Dallewater of Harby in the County of Lecester Labourer being weake in body but of perfect memory prased be god for it doth ordaine Instytute and make this my last will and testyment in maner and form following

Imprimis I give and bequeath my soule into the hands of allmighty god and Jesus Christ his son and my Redemer In whom I hope to bee saved and for my outward Estate as followeth

Item I give to Jefery Dallewater my Son five pounds of good Currant and Lawfull mony of England to bee paid Eight whole yeare after my desease

Item I give to my Son William Dallewater five pounds of good Currant and Lawfull money of England to bee paid Tenn whole yeare after my desease

Item I give to my dauter Alce Dallewater foure pound tenn shillins of good Currant and Lawfull mony of England and four pounds teen shillins in houshould goods three whole yeare after my desease to be receaive her whole portion

Item I give to my son James Dallewater and to Mary Dallewater my wife all my goods Cattel and Chattells whatsoever unbequeathed for ever whom I ordaine and make and Institute my Joynt full and Lawfull Executors of this my Last will and testyment

In wittness heareof I have heare unto sett my hand and seale this fiveteen day of Feabury in the yeare of our Lord Christ according to the account heare in England one Thousand Six hundred seventy and tow 1672 [1672/3]

                                                                                                         Jefery Dallewater his marke and Seale


James Atkinson

Thomas West

James Whittle


A true and perfect Inventory of all the goods Cattell and Chattell of Jefery Dallewater Late of Harby In the county of Lecester Labourer deceased as it was taken and prased this Twenty first day of March in the yeare of our Lord Christ one Thousand six hundred seaventy and three by us whose names are underwritten

Imprimis his purse and Aparell 2 0 0
Item In the hall one taball forms Chears and Stouls fier Iron houks and recons      
and other Implements 0 18 0
Item In the parler one bed with furniture to it one table one Cubard one Chist      
one Coffer one press and other Implements 4 1 0
Item Three Choverings [sic] tow blankits tow bousters six pillows 4 6 8
Item one sett of Cortins 1 0 0
Item five pare of flaxson shets seaven Coers shets one Holland shet three pillow      
bears of Holland three flaxson pillow bears one towel and one napkin one tabell      
cloth 4 10 0
Item Tow peases of wollin Cloth 1 5 0
Item In the parlour beneath hous two bedsteds with furniture of them one Chist      
and other Implements 4 9 0
Item In the Chambers one bedsted a wollin wiell a brand Iron a Ches Rack and      
arke and other Implements 1 9 4
Item For bras and putter five pans one pot five puter dishes a flaging two frut      
dishes tow Candelsticks a Cup and a warming pan four sasers 3 0 0
Item Three barrels Three kits three tubs one … dishe Tow bouls Dishes and      
trenshers 1 9 6
Item one spin whele 0 1 4
Item one bacon flicke and one … 0 13 4
Item tow hovels and pales about them three leathers and foure … stoups 1 3 6
Item for pales stoups and reals in the Close 1 9 0
Item for maner 0 4 0
Item for hempin yarn 0 13 0
Itm Three Cows and a heafer 7 0 0
Itm for Eight yows and lamb 3 0 0
Itm for a tabell and a Cradell and other thins forgotten 1 0 0
                                                                                                                    Sum 43 13 2

James Atkinson

John Scarborowe

James Whittle

Probate 13 October 1673