William Daft of Garthorpe 1630 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1630
In the name of god Amen on the foure & twentieth day of Februarie in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand sixe hundred twentie & nine I William Dafte of Garthorpe in the County of Leic: husbandman being sicke in bodie but perfect in memorie praised be Almighty god doe make & ordayne this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following
Impris I bequeath my soule into the handes of Almightie god my Creatour trusting by the merites of Jesus Christe my Saviour to have forgivenesse of my sins & to be an inheritour in the kingdome of Heaven & my bodie to the ground when it shall please god to dissolve the same
Ite I give & bequeath unto Richard Daft my sonne & unto Alce Daft & Marie Dafte my daughters halfe my goodes & chattells to be taken & prysed & the vallue of them to be equeally divided between them when they attaine to the full yeares of one & twentie & if any of my said three Children shall die before they come to the aforesaid age then my will is that his or her part or legacie shall equallie be divided between my other two children to be payed at the aforesaid age of one & twentie & if two of them shall die before they come to the age of one & twentie yeares then I give theire parts or legacies to the third
Ite my will is that my wife shall have the use of my childrens legacies towards theire maintenances & bringing them up untill they come to one & twentie yeares of age
Ite I give & bequeath unto Susanna Daft my wife the other halfe of my goodes & chattells my debts payed my legacies performed & my funerall discharged whom I make sole Executrixe of this my last will & Testament
In witnes hereof I have sett to my hand & seale the day & yeare above written
William Daft
… Glover her marke
Will Richardson
Probate 9 April 1630