Daft John 1616 of Long Clawson Will

John Daft of Long Clawson 1616 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/240

The right-hand side of this is largely missing and is also suffering from considerable water damage, the left side of each line only is transcribed

In the name of god Amen Anno dni 1616 the xxvth daye

Soveraigne Lord James by the grace of god of England France and Ireland Kinge defender of the Fayth

of Scotland the fyftye I John Dafte of Claxton in the Countie of Leicester

praised be god, doe make and ordeyne this my last will and Testament in maner & forme following First

to almighty god the maker and redeemer thereof, trusting in him onely to be saved

saviour And my body to be buried in the Churchyard of Claxton aforesaid Item

remaine in stocke for them, and the increase therof to be devyded amongst

for the poore of that parishe Itm I give to Margarett Foxe the wife of

Gigger and all that is in yt, to remaine to her own use Itm I give to

Foxe a Chawfinge dishe Itm I give to Elin the daughter of the said Willm

my fathers Itm I will that every one of my debts which

of the same monye Itm I give to Robte Lee a lether Dublet

breeches Itm All the residue of my goods unbequeathed

my body brought to the grounde) I give and bequeathe to Robte

I ordeyne and make my sole executor of this my Testatment

Theis being witnesses

Thomas Storer scriptor

John Bayly [his mark]


The trew Inventorie of all the goods Chattels and debts of John Daft late of Claxton in the Countie of Leic singleman praised by Thomas Maryot Thomas Hicklinge Richard Hickling & Edward Hicklinge of Claxton aforesaid yeomen the seventh day of November 1616

Imprimis his purse and his apparrellxxvi l viiis
Itm three flaxen sheets, three payre of harden sheetes, and some other lynnen Cloathesxxs
Itm Puter and Brassexxxvs
Itm 3 Coverlids, 2 boulsters, 1 mattresse, & 4 quushinsxxs
Itm one bedstead, one Chayre, 4 Coffers & a Cradlexiiis iiiid
Itm one oke Cubbord & some other tryflesvs
Debts oweinge to the Testator 
Robert Hickling oweth himxvi li
Thexecutors of Willm Foxexxiii li
John Hiclinge the youngerxx li iis
Willm Leesonv li
Edward Hicklingev li
Edward Smartev li
Richard Guy the youngerxls
Willm Smartexls
                                     Sum total lxxxiii li xixs 

                                     Sum total lxxxiii li xixs

Probate 12 November 1616