Daft John 1561 of Nether Broughton Will

John Daft of Nether Broughton 1561 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/253/53 and PR/T/1561/31

In the name of Gode Amen the xxviiith daye of January & in the yere of our lord god mccccclxi I John Dayffte of Nether Browghton in the countie of Leic makys this my last will & testament in manner & forme folowinge

Fyrst I bequiethe my Soule unto allmightie gode and my bodye to by buried within the churche yearde of Yckelyn yff yt maye be caryed thither

Also I gyve & bequeithe unto the Reprationes of the churche of Yckelyn xxd

Allso I gyve to the mendynge of the cawsaye xxd

Allso I gyve unto the Raprationes of the churche of Neyther Browthton xxd

Allso I gyve & bequiethe unto Henrye Waker ii yewes & ii lambes And to Margerye ys wyffe ii yewes & ii lambes And to everye one of hys Children A lambe

Allso I gyve unto Richard A Man & ys wyffe ii yewes & ii lambes & ys children eyther of them a lambe

Also I gyve unto Annys A James my goddowghter A lambe

Allso I gyve unto Edmonde Dayffte my brother & ys wyffe to eyther of them A Ewe & a lambe

Allso & gyve unto Ralfe Dayffte my Brother & ys wyffe to eyther of them ii yewes & ii lambes & to everye one of hys Children A Ewe & A lambe

Allso I gyve unto Henrye Waker a wheate lande And to Richarde a Man A Rye lande

Allso I gyve unto Elsebethe Wyllimat vid

Allso I gyve unto Jense Ferris vid

Allso I gyve unto Edward Smarte iiiid

Allso I gyve unto Henrye Turpyn An owld Russett Coyte & ii Jyrkyns which were of ys Backe

And also I gyve unto John Amane A Russett dublett & a payre of hose & a lambe

Allso I gyve unto George Dayffte ii yewes & ii lambes

Allso I gyve unto John Cranne A Shepe hogge

Allso I gyve unto George Dayfte my brother my howse & my lande at Yckeleyn with all that belongs unto ytt Fylde & towne

Allso I gyve unto everye pore howse in Browghton to everye one A halpenye Loffe

Itm I gyve unto everye poore house in Yckelyn to everye one a halpenye loffe

Allso I gyve unto Ralfe Dayfte my Brother a yeardes of a peys hovel at Yckelyne

The Resydewe of my goods nott bequiethed I gyve & bequiethe unto George Dayffte my brother whom I make & ordeyne my full Executor of this my laste will & testament for to dyspose my goods to the healthe of my Soule as my truste ys in hym

Thes men beynge witness Raulphe Dayfte Henrie Wauker John Cranne Richarde Aman John Aman Edwarde Smarte Henrie Turpyn with other moo

Probate 22 February 1561/2

Inventory by Richard Wright, Welland [?] Smythe, John Smythe and John Cranne

In pris iiii sterys the …v li vis viiid
Itm vii keys i heffer & iii calvesviii li
It A horse & iii marys & iii felysvi li xiiis iiiid
Itm … sheppe the pcevii li vis viiid
Itm iiii swinexs
Itm iii quarters of wheytte & heyexlviiis
It ii quarters of malte & v quarters of barley And halfe a quarter of hoyttsiii li xiiiis
Itm x quarters of peyssevi li xiiis viiid
Itm wheytte & heye sowne off the grounde to the valu of vii hacars of the pcexxxs
Itm A Carte & carte gerysxls
Itm the plow & the plowe gerysxs
Itm In braysse & peuterxs
Itm In hother houssholde goodsxxs
Itm ys Aparryllxs
Summa totalisxlvi li iiis iiiid