George Daft of Hickling 1770 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1770/63
In the Name of god Amen I Georg Daft of Hickling Yemen in the County of Nottingham Doth Make and ordane this My Last will and testament Revoking all other wills
First I give My Soule into the Hands of god that gave itt hoping to receve Marcy throug the Meretts of My Blessed Saver Jesus Christ and My Body to the Earth from whence itt Came to be Deacently Buered att the Descretion of My Excutor and Excutrex and all the Rest of My worldly goods and Chattle as followeth
Itm I give to My Son Georg Daft My Houss and Home Close and out houses and all that belong to itt and one oxgang half of Land Lying and being in Hickling field to him and his hairs for Ever
Itm I give to My Son Thomas Daft one Hundred pounds that is to say fifty pounds when he comes to the years of twenty one years of Age and fifty pounds when he coms to twenty tow years of Age
All the Rest of My worldy goods and Chattle I give to My well beloved wife and My Son Georg Daft whom I make My whole and Sole Excutrex and Excutor
But if My well beloved wife and My Son Georg Daft be a greable not to Live togather then I give to My well beloved wife four pounds a year and for Every year Duering her Nautrol Life to be paid by my Son Georg Daft
Whereby I have sett my Hand and Seal this third day of March one thousand seven Hundred and Sixty five
Georg Daft
Wittnes our hands
Robert Morriss
William Morris
Georg Marchall his Mark
Dorothy Daft widow of George Daft the within mentioned Executrix & Executor were sworn to the due Execution hereof this 3d Day of May 1770 [sic only Dorothy mentioned]
Before me John Brown Surrogate