Cross Robert 1628 of Plungar will and inventory

Robert Cross of Plungar 1628 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/245/32

The Second day of August 1628

In the name of god Amen I Robert Cross of Plungar in the county of Lec laborer being sick in bodye but whole in mynde doe make my last will and testament in manner and forme following

First I give and bequeath my soule to the hands of the allmightye god and my body to be buryed in the Church yarde of Plungar aforesaied

Imprimis I give to my daughter Alice Cross seven poundes my cowe the bede which I now lye in with all the furniture belonging to the same the best pott ii pewter dishes one candlestick and house roome soe long as she keepeth herselfe a maied

Item I give unto my daughter Agnes Cross three pounds to be payed unto her foure yeares after my decease and one pann ii pewter dishes the table

Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth Cross three pounds to be payed unto her five yeares after my decease and the best cubbord iii pewter dishes the little pann

All the rest of goods and Cattells unbequeathed I give unto my daughter Margret Cross whome I make my Sole heire and executor of this my last will and testament to see my debts payed and leagasies discharged and  my body brought to the grounde And I give unto my Daughter Margret Cross my house and all my land in the parish of Plungar unto her and her heires for ever

                                                                                                         Robert Cross mark


Edward Wightman

William Robinson


A true Invitory of all the goods and Cattells of Robert Cross late of Plungar in the county of Lec laborer taken and prised the seventh day of August 1628 by John Blankley Robert Warren and Edward Wightman

Imp his purse girdell and his Apparrell xxs
It one cowe and a heafer iiil
Item tooe cubbords xxs
Item pewter and brass xls
Item the corne and pease xls
Item blankets and tooe coverlids iii sheetes xiiis
Item the old iron iis
Item dishes spoones and other implements vs
                                                   Suma totalis xl iiis  

Probate 13 October 1628