Joan Coxon of Long Clawson 1641 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PT/R/1641/130
In the name of God Amen August the 7th of Ao Dom 1641
I Joane Coxen of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the county of Leicester Widdow beinge weake of Body but of good & perfect memory (God be praysed therefore) doe ordaine this my Last will & Testament in manner & forme following that is to say first I give & bequeath my Soule to Allmighty God my Creatour hopine & verily assuringe my self through Gods mercy & the onely merits of Jesus Christ my onely Saviour & redeemer to be partaker of Life everlastinge
And my Body I bequeath to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buried in Christian Buriall in the Church yard of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leicester aforesaid if it shall please God that there I shall end this my naturall Life but if it shall happen that I remove unto an other place before I dye that then my Will is that I be buried in the Church yeard of that parish where in I dye as aforesaid
And for my worldly Goods with which it hath pleased God to endow me with I doe dispose of them in manner & forme following
That is to say I doe Constitute ordaine & apoint Randall Barlow of Newbath in the Parish of Astbury in the County of Cheshire husbandman and Elizabeth Summerfield the wife of … Summerfield a Peinter or Parsmaker [?] of Congerton [Congleton] in the Parish of Astbury aforesayd in the County of Cheshire aforesaid these two I say Randall Barlow & Elizabeth Summerfield I doe make the onely Executors of me & of this my Last Will & Testament & they betwixt them two equally to divide my portion of Goods betwixt them, & if they be dead then theire Children to share them equally divided amongst them, the aforesaid Executors to pay in the first place the Legacies by me bequeathed in this my will hereafter mentioned to witt
I give unto … Robert Kirkby alis Kirby Vicar of Claxton alis Longe Clawson in the County of Leic aforesayd five Shillings & I give to Robert Hicklinge the eldest of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd five Shillings & in case that my sayd Executors Randall Barlow & Elizabeth Summerfield or theire Children doe not come for any Goodes with in a quarter of a yeare after my decease then my Will is that my Goods be given to the poore … of People of Claxton alis Longe Clawson aforesayd to be disposed of by the Minister & Robert Hicklinge the Eldest of Claxton aforesayd & however I give three Shillinges four pence to the Church of Claxton aforesayd & five Shillinges to be given to the poorest … of people of Claxton aforesayd to be distributed by the Minister & Robert Hicklinge aforesayd thus revokinge all former wills by me made whatsoever I do constitute & make this my Last Will & Testament
Wittness my hand & Seale hereunto putt the day & year first above written
The marke & seale of Joane Coxen
Read published & declared to be the last Will & Testament of Joane Coxen aforesayd in the presence of
Robert Kirkby
Robert Hickling
The marke of John Bell
Probate 5 March 1641/2 to Ranulph Barlow and Elizabethe Somerfeild