John Cope of Long Clawson 1730 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1730
In the Name of God Amen I John Cope of Claxton in the County of Leicester yeoman Considering the uncertainty of this life do ordain & appoint this to be my last Will & Testament as followeth
Imprimis first I bequeath my Soul in the hands of Almighty God my Savier hoping to have a joyfull Resurrection at the Coming of Jesus Christ my Redeemer and as for Estate and goods which the Lord hath pleased to lend me I do give and dispose of as followeth
Impr I give and bequeath to my Kindsman John Moor my part of the windmill to him and his Assigns for ever
I give to my kindsman William Stokes one Shilling
I give to my kindswoman Mary Wright of Neather Broughton I give to her Son John one Shilling
I give to her Daughter Elizabeth Wright ten Pounds
I give to her daughter Mary Wright Ten pounds
I give the house and homestead I purchased of Robert Hand and the Lands & commons I purchased of Ellen Story Robert Love & Mary his Wife The purchase Money being not paid by William Stokes I give to the poor of the Parish of Long Clawson with all Deeds & evidences thereto belonging or appertaining I give five pounds to prefer the Bill in behalf of the poor to be paid by my Executor hereafter mentioned
Item I give to my Kinsman John Wright of Neather Broughton my house and homestead & the Lands and commons thereto belonging lying in the West end fields of Claswon
It I likewise give to him the Close I purchased of William Henson & likewise I give the house & homestead I purchased of Richard Oldcock both lying in the Est end of Clawson to him & his heirs or assigns forever provided that he pay of my Debts and Legacies within one year after my deceased and if he refuse to pay my two Kinswomen their Twenty pounds they shall enter upon the house and homestead and the little close lying in the Est end
It I give to John Wright all my Stock of Quick goods of what kind soever and my houseall goods and money & my crop & all moveables of what kind soever further my Will is that the five pounds that I have given to the poor If the Inhabitants be not willing to prefer the Bill that the five pounds shall be put out for the use of the poor
It I give to my kinsman John Wright the yearly rent due from John Wilson and John Cooper or from their Assigns
My Body to be buryed by my kinsman John Wright whom I make my Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament revoking all other former Wills
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the twenty seventh of December 1729
John Cope
John Ward
Edward Hawkes
Thomas Burroughs
Probate 28 April 1730
A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods Cattle & Chattles of the Late Decd John Coope of Long Claxton in the County of Leic who Departed this Life Feb: the 8th 1729/30
£ | S | D | |
His Purse & Aparrell | 4 | 0 | 0 |
Itm in the house fireiron Rack hooks two tables five Chairs pewter & brass | |||
& the Clock | 2 | 10 | 0 |
Itm in the Parlor one bed & beding one Chest of Drawers one Cupbord & | |||
Some Small Mats | 2 | 8 | 6 |
Itm In the Chamber one bedsted one table & Some Lumber | 0 | 15 | 6 |
Pease & barly & Clods & Manure | 2 | 8 | 0 |
Things unseen | 0 | 5 | 0 |
Totall | 12 | 4 | 0 |
Appraised by us
Wm Wright
John Moore