Cooper William 1675 of Wartnaby Inventory

William Cooper of Wartnaby 16[MJ1] 75 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1675

A true & perfect inventory of the goods & Chattles of William Couper of Wartnaby in the County of Leic labourer deceased taken by us whose names are underwritten this seaventh day of May 1675


Imprimis His purse & wearing apparel1100
Item In the Kitching or house A table board fire iron a cupboard 5 chaires   
bellowes 3 pewter dishes 2 porringers 2 salts 2 Candlesticks 5 brass pans a   
Churne 2 pailes2100
Item in the parlour 1 bedstead 1 little table 2 Coffers 1 stoole 1 ferkin 1 wool bed   
2 blankets 1 pair of sheets 1 coverlet 1 chest 1 box curtaines2180
It Linnen 1 pair of flaxen sheets 2 pair of hempen sheets one pair of course sheets   
& other linnen120
Ite In the Chamber 1 bed-stead with furniture 22s Wool 8s Kimnel corne tubs   
Barrells 22s2120
Item 3 Cowes 10ll A heifer & a calfe 30s11100
Item 6 sheep 3ll  300

Prized by

John Cant

John Woodhouse

William Kirk

Bond, bound, Mary Cooper widow of Wartnaby, Richard Wright yeoman of Nether Broughton and William Rick yeoman of Wartnaby, 5 August 1675, condition bound Mary widow of William Cooper intestate labourer late of Wartnaby to administer estate and produce inventory

                                                                                                                Signum Maria Cooper

                                                                                                                Signum Richi Wright

                                                                                                                Signum Willm Ricke