Chamberlain William 1744 of Hose will and inventory

William Chamberlain of Hose 1744 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1744

In the name of God Amen I William Chamberlain of Hose in the County of Leicester Yeoman being mindful of my Mortality do make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in the following manner and forme (viz)

I give and devise all that my Estate liing in Hose aforesaid unto my Beloved Son William Chamberlain with all the rights and Apurtenances belonging unto the same to him and his Heirs to be freely possessed and Enjoy’d for ever

Item my Will and Pleasure is that my two Daughters Eliz: and Ann Chamberlain shall live with their Brother Wm Chamberlain untill they be twenty one years of Age without any Charge and as for the Rest and Remander of my Personal Estate Money and Goods

I give to my Wife Ann Chamberlain and my Son Wm Chamberlain whom I make sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament

In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my Hand and Seale the Seventeenth day of April 1744

                                                                                                         Wm Chamberlain

Sealed Published and declared by the above named for and as his last will and Testament in the presence of us


Richard Rowse

Henry Musson

Edward Maryat

And my further Will and pleasure is that my Beloved Ann Chamberlain shall have full power to dispose of her personal Estate when shee shall thinke fit and proper unto her two Daughters Eliz: and Ann Chamberlain

Anne Chamberlain Widow one of the within named Extors was Sworn the 30th day of April 1744

                                                                                                         Before me Ger Andrewe Surrogt

(and power at the same time Reserved for Wm Chamberlain the other Extor being a Minor)

A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattles of William Chamberlain of Hose in the County of Leicester lately deced Viewed & Valued by us this 28th day of April 1744

Impris his purse and apparel 5
Item Goods in the parlour      
One bed and beding 5 2 6
Eight Chairs 8 0
One Table and five boxes & whats in them 2 14 6
Books & Surveying Charts and Maps 1 7 6
Goods in the Closetting parlour 3 6
Goods in the Little parlour      
One bed and beding and other things 2 1
Goods in the Kitchen 4 15 6
Goods in the Dary 1 6
Goods in the Kitchen Chamber 3 2 6
Goods in the Chamber over the parlour      
One bed and beding & wheat & other things 12
Goods in the Cheese Chamber Cheese & other things 5 5
Goods in the house      
Clock pewter & dresser Seven Chairs & other things 6 9
Goods in the Chimney Corner 1 18
Ten bease & three yearling Calves & Six Calves 39
Three Mares and one Colt 21 1
A Sow & Eleven Piggs 3 4
Twenty six Ews and five lambs 10 8
One Waggon one Cart and one Cart body 10 10
2 Harrows 1
Ten Sheep Skins 10
Beans in the Shaw 41    
Gears Collers Sadles & plow & other things 2 2 0
The Crop upon the ground 14 7
Things unseen & forgot 0 5 9
                                                                                                                        Sum 161 19 9

Francis Godfrey

John Richards

Robert Julian