Robert Caunt of Long Clawson 1587 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1587/40 and also a probate copy and another copy
In the name of god Amen the xiiith day of Februarie in the xxixth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth Quene etc And in the yeare of our lord god 1586 I Robt Cawnte of Claxton in the countye of Leic Smythe being sick in bodye but god be thanked of whole & perfecte memorye do make & ordaine this my last will & testament in maner & fourme following
First I bequeathe & comende my soule to allmightye god my maker & redemer not doubting but that he will most mercifullye receive yt, And my bodye to be buryed in the churchyard of Claxton aforesayd
Itm I geve to the pore mans boxe of the sayd Claxton viiid
Itm I geve to everye one of my godchildren iiiid
Itm I geve to Thomas my eldest sone xiid
Itm to Marye my daughter xiid & to everye one of her children vid
Itm to Elizabeth my daughter xiid & to everye one of her children vid
Itm to Agnes my daughter xiid & to everye one of her children vid
Itm I geve to Johne my yongest daughter xli
Itm I geve to Alice Crosse xxs
Itm I geve to Edwarde my yongest sone one bed whiche I laye in with all that belongeth to yt, one chaire whiche he will choose, one table, one fourme, one greate payre of Smithe bellowes, one greate …, one becke … with all other working tooles belonging to the Smythye whatsoever
Itm all the napperye ware with the brasse pewter and the rest of my other goods within the dores unbequeathed as namelye in the house & parler I geve whollye to Agnes my wyfe
Itm the lease of my farme with all such righte interest & tytle that I have therein I geve & bequeathe to Agnes my wyfe & Edwarde my sone & that they two occupye yt ioyntlye togather but that Agnes my wyfe shall neither let or set her parte of the farme aforesayd during her tyme therin contained to any person or persons other than to Edwarde my sone
Itm all suche goods without the dores whatsoever that are myne I geve & bequethe to Edwarde my sone, saving that Agnes my wyfe to have the use & occupacon of thone halfe of yt during her lyfe
Itm I will that my debts, legacies, & funeralls be discharged & payed by Agnes my wyfe & Edwarde my sone whom I make my full executors of this my last will & testament & I ordaine & make Mr John Poole Edward More and Willm Cawnte overseers hereof
Theirs being witnesses
Willm Johnson clerk Ric … & Edwarde Gye
Probate 7 April 1587