Caunt Gabriel 1664 of Stathern will and inventory

Gabriel Caunt of Stathern 1664 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1664

In the name of god Amen I Gabriel Caunt of Statherne in the County of Leaster husbandman beinge sick in body but woll & perfect in memorie thanks be to almightie god doe make this my last will & testament in manner and forme as followeth

Imprimis I will & bequeath my soule unto god who gave it me and my body to be buried after a Christian manner in the Church yard of Stathern

First I give & bequeath unto my wife Ann Caunt tow Cowes one called Killinglie & the other called … & the fourth part of the four oxgangs of Land so long as we have it & then to have the thirds of my owne land during her life & further I doe give unto her foure sheepe & my will & mind is that my son George Caunt shall plowe her land as he doth his owne & loade it & get it in the barne & divide it when its winnowed by the strike & my will is that she shall have the Chamber called the Willowes for her … without molestation & my desire is she may live peaceably together

Item I give unto my son John Caunt one browne heifer that is with Calfe

Item I give to Roger Caunt the house upon the Ashbie Leases to him & his eyers for ever and the horse that is lame & tow lambe hoogs to his tow children not to have them till one whole yeare after my death be expired

Item I give unto the six children of John Talles of Plungar six lambe hoogs after the same manner

Item I give unto the four children of James Jarvises foure lambe hoogs after my decease

Item I do give unto tow children of John Yardwoods tow lambe hoogs to have them one yeare after my death

Item I doe give unto Thomas Spreckley tow children tow lambe hooges to have them delivered one yeare after my decease

Item I doe further give unto my daughter Pegg Spreckley in full of all her portion one shilling

To this as my last will & Testament I doe set my hand & seale the 28 July [year hidden]

[Marginal addition] All my goods I do give to my son George Caunt for & towards the paying of my debts but what is my wifes & given her in my will to have them

This was written before the sealinge hearof


Bond, bound George Caunt of Stathern yeoman, Martin Ashby of Stathern weaver and John Machin of Stathern labourer £84 2 August 1664, condition bound George Caunt eldest son of Gabriel Caunt labourer of Stathern deceased, executor according to tenor of his will, to produce and inventory and administer estate

                                                                                                         George Caunt [his mark]

                                                                                                         Martin Ashby [his mark]

                                                                                                         John Machin [his mark]


A trew Inventerie of all the goods and Chatteles Moveables and unmoveables of one Gabril Caunt of Stathorne in the Countie of Leicester husbandman late Deceased in the yeare of our Lord god 1658

In primis his purse and Apparell 20s
Item on Cubbard Tenn peecs of pewter 7s
Five porringers Tenn pewter spones 11s 12d
Item one chafing dish 2 candlesticks and 2 salts 5s
Item three Brasse potts 16s
Item one great pann and three little kettles 24s
Item one Table with a frame and one forme 6s 8d
Item one little fall borde and one little forme 2s 8d
Item one frying pann 6d
Item 2 Tubbs 2 Kitts and one Barrell 8s 8d
Item 2 booles 3 chaffatts 4 Dishes halfe a Dozhen of Trenchers with  
other Implements 20d
Item painted clothes in the haule 2s
Item 2 sives 2 scuttles and one churne 12d
Item one fire irone one pare of Tongs and rackings 12d
In the parlour  
Item one paire of flaxen sheets one paire of hempen sheets and one  
paire of harden 20s
Item 10 yards of new hempen cloth 8s
Item 3 pillowbers 2 towells and 2 napkins 6s 8d
Item 3 Coverletts one matteresse 12s 4d
Item one boulster and 7 pillowes 9s 6d
Item 3 chests and one bedstead 13s 4d
Item one linnen Wheele and one wollen one … and a Basket with other  
implements 4s
Item 2 kine and one heiffer 4£ 13s 4d
Item 3 stoore swine 20s 6d
Item 13 sheepe 43s 4d
Item one mare and foale one colt and Barren Mare 6£ 13s 4d
Item the Cropp praysed att 15£ 13 4
Item the Carte and Cart geares 40s
Item one plow and 2 plow beames 2s 6d
Item one hovel with overliggers 6s 8d
Item 2 loads of Coales 13s 4d
Item one ould harrow 2 Pick forks with other implements 3s 4d
In primis his purse and Apparell 20s
Item on Cubbard Tenn peecs of pewter 7s
Five porringers Tenn pewter spones 11s 12d
Item one chafing dish 2 candlesticks and 2 salts 5s
Item three Brasse potts 16s
Item one great pann and three little kettles 24s
Item one Table with a frame and one forme 6s 8d
Item one little fall borde and one little forme 2s 8d
Item one frying pann 6d
Item 2 Tubbs 2 Kitts and one Barrell 8s 8d
Item 2 booles 3 chaffatts 4 Dishes halfe a Dozhen of Trenchers with  
other Implements 20d
Item painted clothes in the haule 2s
Item 2 sives 2 scuttles and one churne 12d
Item one fire irone one pare of Tongs and rackings 12d
In the parlour  
Item one paire of flaxen sheets one paire of hempen sheets and one  
paire of harden 20s
Item 10 yards of new hempen cloth 8s
Item 3 pillowbers 2 towells and 2 napkins 6s 8d
Item 3 Coverletts one matteresse 12s 4d
Item one boulster and 7 pillowes 9s 6d
Item 3 chests and one bedstead 13s 4d
Item one linnen Wheele and one wollen one … and a Basket with other  
implements 4s
Item 2 kine and one heiffer 4£ 13s 4d
Item 3 stoore swine 20s 6d
Item 13 sheepe 43s 4d
Item one mare and foale one colt and Barren Mare 6£ 13s 4d
Item the Cropp praysed att 15£ 13 4
Item the Carte and Cart geares 40s
Item one plow and 2 plow beames 2s 6d
Item one hovel with overliggers 6s 8d
Item 2 loads of Coales 13s 4d
Item one ould harrow 2 Pick forks with other implements 3s 4d
Praised the 26th of September by theise persons whose names are under written: Henry Greene Ralfe Caunt his marke Ralfe Wilson his marke  
                                                     Summ is 42 li 14s  

Probate 4 October 1664