Caunt Gabriel 1627 of Stathern will and inventory

Gabriell Caunt of Stathern 1627 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/244/17

In the name of God Amen the thirtie daye of Marche in the yeare of our Lord God 1627 I Gabriell Caunt the elder of Stathern in the County of Leicester husbandman beinge weake in Bodye but otherwise of good and perfecte memorye blessed bee God therefore doe ordayn and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following

Firste I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almightye God my Creator trustinge to bee saved onely by the merritts of Christe and my bodye to bee buryed in the church yeard of Stathern aforesaid hopinge it shall rise againe at the laste daye

Itm I give my Farme in Stathorne with the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto Margarett Caunt my Wyfe and William Caunt my Sonne equally to be devided betwixt them

Itm I give unto John Caunt my Sonne five pounds of Lawfull English money

Itm I give unto Gabriell Caunt my Sonne five pounds of lawfull English money

Itm I give unto Henry Caunt my Sonne five pounds of Lawfull English money

Itm I give unto George Caunt my Sonne five pounds of Lawfull English money

Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Caunt five of Lawfull English money a new bedsteade in the Parlor and foure pewter dishes

Item I give unto my daughter Jane Doubleday xiid in full satisfaction of her Childe portion

And I give unto William Doubleday the Sonne of William Doubleday my Grandchild one Ewe Sheepe

The Residue of my goods whatsoever moveable and unmoveable not bequeathed nor given my debts legacies and funerall expences discharged and payed I give unto Margarett my wife and William my Sonne whome I make joynte executors of this my laste Will and Testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the daye and yeare above written

                                                                                                         Gabriell Caunt the elder his marke

James Brough

Richard Whittecarie


A true Inventorie of all the goods & chattells moveable and unmoveable of Gabraell Caunte of Stathorne in the County of Leic husbandman late deceased indifferently prized by Gabraell Caunte the Elder & Thomas Steevenson the 14th of May 1627

Imprimis his purse and apparrell xiiis iiiid
Itm two bedds with clothes belonging to them xvis
Itm one table in the house with the forme and tressells and one chaire  
and a litle board on the bentch iiis iiiid
Itm one cupboard and the pewter upon the cupboard head viiis vid
Itm one Cheest and the Linnins within it vs vid
Itm 3 Coffers & linnen wheeles and a planke & a shelfe in the milke  
house and one Reele and a presse vis vid
Itm one barrell and one tub and one Churne iiis
Itm … … fouer pewter dishes & a newe bedstead for Mary Caunt when  
she Cometh to age xxs
Itm iii kettells & one brasse pott and one bason & one chaffing dish of  
Brasse xs vid
Itm two troughes in the kitchin & … & one tubb and two kitts & three  
sives & one hopper & one strike and one scuttell vs
Itm one pare of quernes & one old lead vis viiid
Itm one fireiron and one brandiron & one pare of Reckings one pare  
of tongs and all the hookes & one spit and all the old iron about the  
house and all the forkes about the yard iis
Itm one litle … & two formes & two stooles & one hatchett and all  
the painted Cloathes aboute the house one salt trunke & all the curtaines vis
Itm for malte and a piece of Bacon xvis
Itm for all is horned Beasts xiii li
Itm for all his horses and mares x li vis viiid
Itm for his Carte & Carte geares plough and plough geares & two harrowes xls
Itm for sheepe iii li
Itm for corne to thresh and hovells xxvis viiid
Itm for swine xiiis iiiid
Itm one swine trough & one leather & all other offall wood in the yard iis
Itm the Crope on the grounde xviii li
                                                                                                       Suma tot est li li is 0  

Probate 12 June 1627