Edward Cartwright of Harby 1587 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1587
In the name of god Amen The vii day of June in the xxixth yeare of the raygne of our Soveraygne Ladye Elyzabeth by the grace of god Quene of England France and Ireland defender of the Faythe &c I Edward Cartwryght of Harby in the County of Leicester beinge Sicke in body but of parfect remembrance god be thanked do ordayne constitute and make This my last will and testament in maner and forme following
First I bequeath my Soule to Almighty god My creator trusting assuredly to be saved from eternall death the reward of my sines and by the blodeshede Cross and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ and my body to be buryed In the churchyard of Harby
And concerning my temporall goods which god hath lent me my mynd is to bestow them as followeth
Itm I give and bequeath unto Ane my wyfe my house and all my goods and substance which are belonging or appteing to the same during her lyf
Itm after the discease of my wife I give and bequeath my house aforesayd unto Myles my eldest sone and hys eares lawfully begotten and for lack of eares of hys body to retorne to Pawell and hys eares lawfully begotten and for lack of eares of Pawells body lawfully begoten to retorne to Vinsone and hys eares lawfully begotten and for lack of eares of Vinsone lawfully begotten to retorne to my sayd five sayd daughters and to be equally devided Among them and the sayd Milse my sonne shall at the taking of possession of my house shall pay unto my second son Vinsonne xls and lykwise to my sonne Pawll xls
Itm for my shop I give unto my Sonne Pawll ii formes which are ioynning to the walle by the streete syde with all my geares linnen and wollen all … my … linnnen and wollen which aparteanth to the same then to have after my wyfes disceas giving xls to his brother Vinsonne
Itm yf it happen that my eldest Sonne Myles by my wyfes agreement shall come to have his abiding with her before her discease then my mynd is that Pawlle shall have the … with the rest bequeathed unto hyme and so to departe
Item for my five daughters my Wyll and mynd is that whatsoever substance is left unto my Wyf unbequeathed after her disceas it shalbe devided Amongst my daughters by bequall portions
Itm I will that all the glass or lattices of the Windowes all the pales and the … shalbe remaining unto Miles aforesayd when he shalle enter into the same house and to be remeayning frome one to another
Itm I doe make my wyfe my full and lawfull executor of thys my last will and testament
I do make William Petty and John Watsonne the Supvisores of the same
No signature
Debtes to be payd by the executors of thys perfect wyll of Edward Cartwryght
Imprimis to Myles Cartwryght xxviis
Itm to Paule Cartwryght xxs vid
Itm to Iseace Cartwryght xxs vid
Itm to Mary Cartwryght viis
Witnesseth herof
Wyllam Petty
Jhon Watsone
Rychard Wryght
Rychard Parnam
Rychard Whytaker
Probate 5 October 1587