Campion William 1723 of Long Clawson will and inventory

William Campion of Long Clawson 1723 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1723

The Last will and testament of William Campain of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Lesester husbanman being of sound mind and memory blessed be god for it and all other of his mercys though indisposed of body I do heere by make this my Last will and testament in maner and forme following

Imprimis I Give to my Loveing wife Elizabeth Campain all my goods and Chattel of what nature or kind soever shee paying my just depts and funerill Charges and I do make her sole Exceterix of this my Last will and testament this thirteenth day of May 1723

                                                                                                         William Campain his Marke

Sined sealed published and delivered in the presens of us

William Stokes

Wiliam Mackley

John Mackley

Trew and parfect Inventory of the goods and Chattel of William Campian of Claxton als Long Clawson in the County of Leicester Late desesed viewed and apprised the 23 day of May 1723 by us whos names are heare subscribed

  £ s d
Imprimis his purs and aparell 1 6 8
Itm for goods in the hous a grate hookes and rackiron eighte      
chears two tables and other things 0 10 0
Itm for goods in the parlar two bedsteds with the furniture a      
 chist 1 box 1 0 6
Itm in the Chamber a wheel & Reel sume smale Lumber 0 3 0
Itm in the other parler one bedsted one stool a peese of backen 0 4 6
In the dary two barrils foure panshins one bool a cheare other      
small things 0 4 0
In the kitchin two tubs 1 kite and other Lumber 0 5 0
Puter and beas 1 1 0
Itm for Lining 0 3 4
Beast kind three cows 4 Calves 6 5 0
Itm for the sheep 0 17 6
Two pigs 0 5 0
Itm in the yard a shipcrib a lader one harrow and Mannuer 0 6 6
Itm for Corne upon the ground and for Grass ground 10 14 4
For things unseen or forgotten 0 1 6
                                                                                                         Toto 23 7 10

John Hawley

Will: Stokes

Edward Hoe

Probate 6 August 1723 granted to Elizabeth Campian