Byard Edward 1557 of Long Clawson will and inventory

Edward Byard of Long Clawson 1557 Will

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1557/40

In dei nominee amen decimo sexto die mensis decembris Anno dni mccccclvii I Edwarde Byarde of Claxton In the conty of Lyecster having gud memory & perfette myde do make & ordene thys my last wyll and testyment as In mener here folowyng

Fyrste I bequethe my sole & recommend yt to almyghty god my maker & redemer and my bodye to be buryed in the churche of Claxton

It I bequethe my mortuary after the Comon custome

It I bequethe to owre mother churche of Lync xiid

It to the hye aulter of Claxton churche vis viiid

It to Claxton churche an honeste and suffycyent cope

It to Hyclyng churche vis viiid to Broughton Chyrche xs to Kyttylbe and Holwell churche iis to Slawstorne churche iis to Estwell churche iis to Goldebe churche xxd to Hoose churche iiis iiiid to Harbe churche iis to … churche iis

It I bequethe to Every one of my god chylderin xxd to Every one of my servands iiis iiiid

It I bequethe to Every pore cocharde in Claxton a stryke of maulte and a stryke of weate or rye to Edwarde Browne vis viiid

It to the other of my syster Browne chylderin xxs

It I bequethe to my syster Browne iiii markes apon a commicatyon & requeste made to me by my brothers parson among other thynges recytyng … howse

It to my brother Johns chylderein xxs

To Robertte Byarde of Kyrbe vis viiid

It to Agnes Fosterde & hyr chylderin as my mynisters shall thynke mete

It to Thomas Byarde of Alysbery xls

To Edwarde Gye iiii markes

To Edwarde Chase vis viiid

It to Alys Byarde my … x l

It to Thomas Molle my dette & oblygatyon of the same that that I have of Henry Wyght

It I gyve to my daughter Smythe a hunderyth pounds of seven score pounds and a eleven that Charles … owethe to me and I wyll that my executors shall not … my wyfe be charged nor putte to cost nor labore in or for the obtenyng the same and the resedew of the same dette that ys to saye one and fyfte pounds I bequethe to Isabell [same surname as that of Charles who owes the money, something like Lytst] dowghter of Elsabeth [same surname] my dowghter and for lacke of hyr lyfe to Wyllyam [same surname] hyr brother and for lacke of hys lyfe to my doughter Smythe & hyr chylderin & for lacke of hyr … to my sune Thomas … and Emmotte chylderen and yf the sayd Charles my sune in lawe wyll not paye the sayd hynderythe pounds then I wyll that the …ythynge of Charles one hande raythe an oblygatyon of dette shall be delivered to my doughter Smythe and hyr husband uppon a suffyciant bonnde that the forfeiture in the same oblygarion shalbe judged & ordered by my brother parson of Norton & Wyllyam Browne

It gyve and bequethe to my sune Thomas all my lands and tenymetys wythe the Apurtenans to them belonging wythe in the townes and fyldes of Hyclyng or Broughton & Nether Broughton in Notyngam shyre and Lecyster shyre to have and to holde to hym and hys hers male of hys bodye lawfully begotten and for lacke of shuche ysehe to my sune Rycharde and hys hirs male of hys bodye lawfully begotten & for defawte of shuche ysehe to my sune Wyllyam and his hers male of hys bodye lawfully begotten and for lacke of shuche ysehe to remayne to the Ryght hers of me the sayd Edwarde for ever

It I bequethe to my sune Wyllyam all my lands & tenyments tofts & crofts wythe all ther aptenans … in the towne and fylds of Claxton and a housse wythe a wynde mylne in Claxton fylde to have and to holde to hym the same hys hers male of hys body lawfully begotten & for defawte of shuche ysehe to my sune Rycharde & hys hers males of hys bodye lawfully begotten & for lacke of shuche ysehe to my sune Thomas & hys hers male of hys bodye lawfully begotten & for lacke of shuche ysehe to remaine to the Ryght hers of me the sayd Edwarde for Ever

It I bequethe to Every one of my suns Thomas chylderin Wyllyams chylderin & Emmottes chylderin .. aparte one … wythe the other as my executor and Supervisors know my mynde of shuche a certayne portion or sume of … or more as my brother parson my brother Jhon wythe other … of my frynds do know … ys and I wyll that the resedew of the sayd portion of … or more r… more then the sayd chylderin parte shalbe bestowed as my executors and my brother parson my brother Jhon wythe other of my frynds do knowe & I wyll that the sayd chylders parte shalbe delyvered to my sun Thomas Wyllyam & Emmote my daughter & Wyllyam Gye hyr husbande uppon suffycyant … for every one of their bonnde in … oblygatyon for trewe delivering of the sayd parte to Every one of the sayd chylderin when they shall fortune to be maryed or come to suffycyant age of maryage & be apte & able to occupy ther parte and require them and yf yt shall fortune any of them to decesse before the sayde tymes then ther parte to be equally devyded amonge the bretherin and systers of the same chylderin decessed

It I bequethe to my sune Thomas all my gudds in the sayd towne and fylde of Claxton and in other places moveable and unmoveable quicke and deade

It I bequethe to my sune Thomas & hys suns my Indenture of lease of the parsonage of Claxton wythe all thyngs contened in the same lease excepte the tythe corne and hey of the easte ende fylde and towne duryng the years of the same indenture he to have and to holde the same to hym hys sunes & ther sunes so longe as he or any of them shalbe fownde able to occupy yt and for lacke of abylyte of any of them the indenture … all the years beynge to remayne to my sune Rycharde and hys suns & ther suns and for lacke of abylyte in them to remane to my sune Wyllyam and hys sunes and ther suns and for lacke in them to my syster Browne suns

It I bequethe to my sune Rycharde the east ende tythe corne and hey in fylde and towne of Claxton for the tyme of all the years remaynyng in the indenture of the same payng rente yerly for the same vii l iiis iiiid at the tymes menstoned and also a leace of a howse called Caunte howse & also a leace of Sanndersuns howse wythe all the apptenance belonging to the same in fylde & towne for all the years apprised in the indenture of the same and for lacke of abylete in my sune Rychard hys suns and ther suns to occupy the sayde tythes and Caunte howse then to remane to Thomas my sune & his suns & ther suns and for lacke of abylyte in them to my sune Wyllyam hys suns & ther suns and to ether of my bretherin suns & kynsfolkes even in lyke degrye and ordre and I have above namyd for the parsonage that I have geven to my sune Thomas and I wyll that the sayd abylytes in all places and thyngs above wryten shalbe … at all tymes by my brother parson & Wyllyam Browne my brother in lawe and ther assynes

It I bequethe to my sune Rycharde all my sune Thomas gudds in fylde and towne exepte hys … and nowe in hys possession & in hys deters hands the Wyche gyfts my sune Thomas hathe confyrmed & ratyfyed be causse I in thys my last wyll do gyve to hyme all my gudds unbequeathed wythe all my detts dew to me

It I bequethe to my sune Wyllyam all the years of the new close in the age leace that I bought of Roger Foreste wyche ys in the kypyng of Thomas Horteppe [?]

Allso I wyll that the table coverlid a counter wythe the gretyest … do contenew in the parsonage of Claxton for as longe as yt shall happen any of my kyne to dwelle therin

It I wyll that the indenture of the parsonage for the mentenance of my chylderin and ther chylderin do remane and contenew as yt dothe apere in my fathers wyll to all intents and trew performance of thys my last wyll

It I ordene and make for trew performatyon and execution of thys my last wyll and testyment my executors my sune Thomas Byarde & Rycharde Byarde & my Supervisors my brother parson of Norton Wyllyam Byarde & Wyllyam Browne


Imprimis in the halle the hand… xs
It x … xiis
It the puter iiii l
It the brasse iiii l
It tubbs & … barrlls & payells xls
It v fether beds & all that belongeth to them x… l
It iiii bedsteads xxs
It the beydding benethe … xvis
It shetts napkins & towels iiiis
It … belonging to the … viis
It bordds formes & cheses xs iiiid
It cofer & a prasse xiis
It the platte vs
It xxx stone of wolle x l
It a cloke vii s
It xx akers of weytt vi l viis
It ix … xvi s
It viii oxsan xvi l
It xvi kyne xx l
It viii Yonge beasse viii l
It viii … … … liiis iiiid
It iii … & lx shyppe xl l
It sl quarters of weytt xx l
It xl quarters of barlle xx l
It xl quarter of peysse xx l
It the … viii l
It x swene xxxiiis
It vii fatte swene iii l vis viiid
It the polyne xs
It xxx & bowls vs
It v … cheses iii l
It ii … … with all that belonges to them iii l xs
It ii folde of fleyks xs
It the hovells & … with other wudde xxs
It a … … a horsse xls viid
It a … … & … xxxiiis
Suma totalis ii … lxxx li viis xvid