William Brown of Long Clawson 1630 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/246
There is also a probate copy of this Will
Secundo die Martii 1624
In dei nominee Amen I William Browne of Claxton in the County of Leicester Laborer (beinge of good and perfect memory praysed be god) doe make & ordayne this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge
First I bequeave my soule to god allmightie, the maker and redeemer thereof, trustinge in him onely to be saved, and my bodie to the earth, from whence it Came to be buried in the Church of Claxton aforesaid
Itim I give to my brother Ellis Browne iiis iiiid And to his sonne William Browne iiis iiiid
Itim to his sonne John Browne iiis iiiid
Itim I give to my sister Joane Whittell iiis iiiid
Itim to her daughter Alice iiis iiiid
Itim to her daughter Elizabeth iiis iiiid
Itim to her sonne Richard Whittell iiis iiiid
Itim I give to Marye Cawnte the daughter of Richarde Cawnte, of Stathorne, twentie shillings which xxs shall be payed out of my lands & not out of my goods
Itim I give to Anne Rabbon (my servant) six shillinges, viiid to bee payed within one whole yeare nexte after my death
Itim I give to William, George, Richarde, Joane, Elizabeth, and Alice the naturall Children of my brother Henrye Browne sixe shillings & eight pence a peece
Itim I give to Henrye Browne (the sonne of my brother Henrye Browne) my house and my lande and my Close with theire and every of theire appurtinances To hims and to his heirs for ever
After the discease of mee and my wife The residue of my goods unbequeaved After my debts & legacies are payed, and my funerall expences discharged, I give to bee equally divided between Elizabeth my wife, and Henrey Browne my naturall brother, And I ordayne & make them Joynte executors of this my laste will
And my will is further That my saied executors shall have my house, Close, and lande, with theire appertinances equally between them dueringe my wyfes naturall life, in wydowhead But after her death, or daye of marriage, which shall first happen & Then to remayne to my Cousin Henrye Browne, and his heires as aforesaid
In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto putt my hand & seale, the daye and yeare first above written
The marke & seale of William Browne
Theis being witnesses
Thomas Storer
John Henson his marke
Probate 9 April 1630