Michael Brown of Long Clawson 1579 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1579/66
In the name of god amen in the yeare of our Lorde god 1579 the xix daye of Aprill and in the xxi yeare of the reaign of Elyzabethe by the grace of god quene of Englande France and Ierlande Defender of the faythe &c wytnissythe that I Mychaell Browne of Claxton in the Countye of Lycester yoman being sycke of body but whole of mynde & in good and perfecte remembrance thankes be geven to allmyghty god do mayke and ordayne thys my laste wyll and testament in maner and forme following that ys to saye
Fyrst I bequethe my soule to allmyghte god my maker and Redemer and my body to be buryed in the parishe churche of Claxton aforesayd
It I geve unto the pore mans boxe of Claxton xiid
It I geve unto the Repare of the hye waye betwexte the churche and my howsse iis
Allso I geve and bequethe unto Jone Browne my wyfe my halfe of the parsonage or tythe of Claxton to her & her assignes during the yeares therein contained wythe all my full tytelle estate & intereste whyche I have or oughte to have in the sayd lease by the laste wyll and testimente of Jone Browne my mother wythe all maner of howses taxe or tenements therein contained
Allso I geve unto the sayd Jone Browne my wyfe thys my howsse whiche I nowe do dwelle in wythe the appurtenances & all thyngs ther unto belonging during the yeares of the sayd howse as ys specyfyed in my lease that I have of the same howse
Allso I geve unto Alles Browne my dawghter lx l
It I geve unto Margarette Browne my dawghter lx l to be payed to ether of them the daye of ther marege and I wyll that yf yt shall please god to caulle ether of my to dawghters before they come to lawfull age that then I wyll her parte to remeane to her syster and yf god be pleased to caulle bothe my dawghters before they come to lawfull age that then I wyll that both ether partes shall remeane wholle to Jonne my wyfe
Allso the resedew of my goodds unbequethed bothe moveable and unmoveable I geve them wholly unto Jone my wyfe whome I mayke my full and sole executrisse of thys my laste wyll and testament And I constitute and appointe Jhon Smythe and Thomas Smythe my bretherin the supvisors of thys my laste will desyering them for godds cawsse to see thes my legaces performed and thys my will fullfylled and keppte
Thes wytnesses Wyllyam Smythe Clearke Xpfer Goodwin clearke Rychard Byarde Thomas Smythe Robarte Cawnte allias Smythe Jhon Smythe and Wyllyam Hycling
Detts Wyche I the sayd Mychaell Browne doo owe at the date herof
Imprimis unto Alles Cowlbe for Wyllyam Browne my brother sonne vi l xiiis iiiid
It to Mychaell Browne my brother Rychard Browne sonne vi l xiiis iiiid
Detts Wyche the forsayd Mychaell Browne hathe owing hym at the date herof
Imprimis Wyllyam Byarde dothe owe me the sume of xvi l Wyche I have Recorded of hym by … by lawe as by wrytte of execution and tachemente for the same dothe Wytnesse yf the party wold have bene founder
This ys the trewe Inventory of all the goodds and cattells of Mychaell Browne deceassed valued and prysed the iiii daye of Maye by thes men Whosse names be subscribed Edwarde Mowre Robarte Cawnte Allias Smythe Henry Holte & Rychard Lynse
Imprimis hys apparell & mone in hys pursse | iii l |
It xii kye | xvi l |
It vi yonnge beasse | iiii l |
It iiii calves | xxxiiis |
It iii … horsse | vi l |
It iii mayres & a fylly | vi l |
It iii very simple horsse kynde | xxvis viiid |
It xx wether sheppe | vi l |
It l cople of yowes & lambes | xiii l xs |
It iii score other holding sheppe | viii l vis viiid |
It ix swine | xxxs |
It xii weaning pyggs | xiis |
It the croppe of corne sowen | xxx l |
It the mede grounde | … |
It one quarter of weate | xiiis iiiid |
It ii quarters of rye | xxiis |
It ii quarters of barly | xvis |
It vi quarters of mawlte | iii l vis |
It the carte & carte gears | x l vis viiid |
It one olde wean a … & wain geares | xxviiis iiiid |
It the plowes and plowe geares | xxs |
It a payre of quernes & plowe tymber | xxs |
It the … & pales wythe other wodde | xxs |
It iiii harrowes | xiiis iiiid |
It the tymber of one hovel | vs |
It the weate … in towe … | iiiis |
It the … | xiis |
It the implements in the kylne howse | vis viiid |
It the implements in the … | xiis |
It the [in fold] | … |
It all the iorne ware abowte the fyer | … |
It the baken flyckes | xxvis viiid |
It all the implements in the deary howse | xs |
It certaine … ware | iiiis |
It the puter | xxxiiis |
It the brasse | iii l xs |
It the bedding & bedsteads wyth napery ware | ix l |
It a copeborde and coffer | xiiis |
It all the implements in the hawle | xxxs |
It a … of sylver | xls |
It ix sylver spones | xls |
Suma totalis | 144 li 8s |
Probate 9 October 1579