Mary Brown of Nether Broughton 1728 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1728
Know all Men by These presents This I Mary Browne of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester Widow in Consideration of the Sume of Thirty pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britaine to me in hand paid by my Sone Michael Brown of Neather Broughton aforesaid Framework knitter at or before the insealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof I doe hereby acknowledge and also for divers other good and valuable Causes and Consideracons me hereunto moving Have Bargained Sold & delivered and by these presents doe Bargaine sell and deliver unto the said Michael Brown his Executors Administrators and Assignes all my Cows Sheep horses mares geldings and all and Singular my hay Corn oats pease beans and all other my household goods Cattle Chattles goods & personalle estate whatsoever Standing lyeing and being in my dwelling house or out houses thereto belonging or in the Fields and libertyes of Neather Broughton aforesaid or elsewhere and alsoe all my right Title Interest property claime and demand whatsoever of into or out of the same to have & to hold the said hereby bargained goods household stuffs Cattle Chattels personall Estate & premisses with their Appurts & every part thereof unto the Said Michael Brown his Executors Administrators & assignes to the only proper use and behoofe of him the sd Michael Browne his Executors Administrators & Assignes for ever And The Sd Mary Browne doth for her self her heires Executors & Administrators and every of them Covenant promise grant & agree to and with the sd Michael Brown his Executors Administrators & assignes & every of them by these presents that it shall and may be Lawfull unto & for the sd Mich Browne his Executors Administrators and Assignes peaceably and quietly to have hold & enjoy the said hereby bargained goods Cattle Chattles personall Estate and premisses with their appurts and every part thereof without the Lawfull let suit trouble or disturbance of her the said Mary Browne her heires Executors Administrators or assignes or any of them
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this first day of May Anno Dni 1725
The Mark of Mary Browne
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of
Jno Morgan
Simon Stokes
Michael Brown sworn to administer 13 May 1728