John Broune of Hickling 1588 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1588/83
Be it known unto all men by these presentes that I John Broune of Hicklinge within the Countye of Nottingham miller have made, constituted, & appointed & in my place ordained & sett my beloved in Christe my brother Robert Broune of the same Towne & countye aforesaide miller, my onely true & Lawfull attornay to receive, & to deale, for me, in my behalf & to my use all and singular summe & sumes, portione & portions, legacies & bequests whatsoever geven and bequeathed unto me the saide John Broune by the laste will and testament of John Wright of Kegworthe within the Countye of Leicester husbandman diseased geveinge and guaranteinge unto my saide attornay my full and Lawfull authoritye to do execute performe conclude and finishe for me & in my place (as is mentioned before) all & singular things which shalbe expedient & necessarye concerninge the premises at Thorowbye whollye & surelye as I my selfe shoulde doe if I were there present in my owne proper presence and whatsoever my saide attornay shall doe or cause to be done the premises I … & graunte by these presents to allow, performe, ratifye & establishe & thereunto I bynde my selfe my executor administrators & assignes freely by these presents
In witnesse whereof I have set my hand & seale the xith of this instant Auguste in the yeare of our lorde god 1588 & in the xxxth yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne ladye Elizabeth by the grace of god Queene of Englande France & Ireland Def of the faithe &c
Signu et Sigillu Johanis Broune
Sealed Signed & for my Deed Delivered in the presence of us
Wyllm Atkinson
Thomas …
Heughe …
John Woodde … with others