Anne Breedone of Plungar 1665 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1665
June the 12th 1665
In the name of god amen I Anne Breedone of Plungar in the Countie of Lester widdow beeing sicke in body but of good and perfect remembrance thanks be to god doe make and ordaine this my last Will and testament in manner and form as followeth
First I give and beqeth my soule into the hands of almighty god my maker and to Jesus Christ my Redeemer by whose death and passion I hope to be saved and next my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Plungar
It I give to my sone John Gibinge fortie shillings which he oweth me and one flaxon sheet
It I give my sone Henery Gibinge forty shillings whereof he oweth fore & twenty of it
I give to his fore Children either of them a hempen sheet and a Coverlid and a blankite
It I give to my daughter Frances Keare one Chest and my best bed hillinge one pewter dish & one candlsticke and her tow children six shillings a peese
It I give to Elizabeth Chamberlinge of Botsford ten shillings six pence
It I give to Anne Gibing my granchild my featherbed one pillowbeare with a cutworke seme dauter of William Gibinge
It I give to my granchild Sara Marringe one sheet and one pillowbere
It I give to my granchild William Gibinge five shillings
It I give to my three god Children twelve pence apece that is to say Robert Benit Anthony …eane and John Bennit of Elston
And all the rest of my goods unbequethed I give unto my sone Robert Marringe and William Gibing Whoe I doe make my Whole and Sole executors seeing debts and Legacis paid and funarall discharged
Whereunto I have sett my hand & Seal the day and year above written
Anne Breedon
William Meson
John Musson
Probate 7 December 1665