William Brabyson of Eastwell 1521 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/251
In die Nomine Amen the iii day of the moneth of Janyuer the yer of our lord gode mccccc and xxi I William Brabyson of hole mynd and perfyte memory make my testament and Last Wyll in maner and forme folowyng
Fyrst I bequeth my soule to allmyghtty gode to our Lady Saint Mare and to all the holy company of heven my body to be buried in the church of Saint Cutlan in Estwell
Also I bequeth for my principall my best beyst
Also I bequeth to the Cathedrall church of Lincoln xiid
Also I bequeth to the parysh church of Estwell iiis iiiid
Also I bequeth to the same church my torches of waxe and Rosell
Also I bequeth to the hy Alter a … cloth price xiid
Also I bequeth to the parysh church of Stathern a torch
Also I bequeth to the parysh church of Herby a torche
Also I bequeth to the parysh church of Hosse a torche
Also I bequeth to every prest being present at my buriall vid And to every man woman and chyde id
Also I gyf and bequeth to Agnes Brabyson my wyfe all my housses and Lands with ther appurtenances the which howses and Lands I bought to the behowfe of the said Agnes my wyfe induryng hyr lyfe … And aftur the decesse of the seid Agnes my wyfe I wyll that the seid housses and Lands with ther appurynances shall remayne to John Brabyson my son and to his ares for ever but yf yt happen the seid John Brabyzon to dy before my wyfe withoutt yssu of his body laufully begotn then I wyll that Agnes my wyfe shall sell all my Lands and tenements that to hym belonged and to causse a prest of good and vertu disposing to pray for me and my frends within the church of Saint Cutlan of Estwell so long tyme induryng as the hole same of all the sayle shall last
Also I wyll that Agnes my wyfe shall have and Injoy my ferme in Estwell with all the appurtynances of the same Induryng hyr lyfe And after the decesse of the seid Agnes my wyfe to remayne to John Brabyson before seid induryng the hole term of all my yeres
Also I gyfe and bequeth to Margaret my daughter x li and my housse in Stathern for term of hyr lyfe and yf the seid Margaret depart before Elizabeth my daughter then I wyll that the seid Elizabeth have the seid housse in Stathern hyr lyfe
Also I gyfe and bequeth to Elizabeth my daughter x li and my housse in Exton induryng hyr lyfe yf the said Elizabeth depart before Margaret my daughter aforeseid then I wyll that Margarett my daughter have the seid housse in Exton Induryng hyr lyfe
Also I wyll that after the decesse of the seid Margaret and Elizabeth my daughters that the seid houses in Exton and Stathern shall remayne to John Brabyson and to his ares forever
Also I wyll that yf the seid John my sone dy without yssu of his body lawfully begotyn then I wyll that the seid Margaret and Elizabeth have and Injoy the seid housses in Exton and Stathern to them and to ther ares for ever and for the performance of the premisses I have infeffed Thomas … clerke Walter Markeby Crystofer Ives John Hert in all my lands to the use and performance of this my last wyll and testament which I have bequethed in this my last wyll and testament
Also I bequeth to Jane Brabyzon my daughter x li
Also I bequeth to Margery Brabyzon my daughter x li
Also I bequeth to Isabell my daughter x li
Also I bequeth to Agnes my wyfe the kepyng and governing of all my chylderyn with ther goodds to the tyme of ther marriage and then to seid Agnes to delyver the seid goods to my seid chylderyn
Also if casse be that Agnes my wyfe be wedde her after then I wyll the seid Agnes that the seid Agnes before the tyme of hyr mariage doe delyver the seid goodds to my chylderyn behoufe to hyr frynds as show shall thynke most best
The residew of all my goodds not bequethed & gyfe and bequeth to Agnes Brabyzon my wyfe Whome I ordeyn and constitute my … and lawfull executrix that shew ordyn and dysposse for the welth of my soule as yt shalbe … hyr best to be done
Also I wyll that Robt Vynsent [?] be supervisor of this my Last Wyll
Thes beyng witnes Thomas Kestey [?] parson of Estwell Henry Shawe Thomas Leyke Crostofer … and Crystofer Ives with other moo