Edward Blood of Hickling 1660 Inventory
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/JW/1/27
A true Inventorie hath been taken of all the Goods and Chattels of Edward Blood of Hicklinge in the County of Nottngham yoman the twenty eight daye of Januarye Anno dom 1660
l | s | |
Imprimis his purse and his Apparrell | i | |
It the Gallowe tree Fire iron pott hookes and other implements in the Chimney | 2 | |
It Pewter and Brasse | i | x |
It Beddinge and Bedstead | i | |
It One Cowe two heffers and one pigge | vi | x |
It Corne and Fodder | 2 | |
It two sheepe | x | |
It One hovill Coales and olde wood | viii | |
It kitts one Sowe and Barrell and other implements | iiii | |
It one Land of wheate on the grounde | vi | |
It One Chist | i | |
[Hole in the paper] | 19 | 12 |
Apprised by us
John Gunthorpe
Henry Browne
John Collington
Exhibited 11 March 1660/1
The inventory is in the hand of John Collington