Blankley Thomas 1602 of Plungar will and inventory

Thomas Blankley of Plungar 1602 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/224

In the name of God Amen The fourth day of November in Anno Do 1602 I Thomas Blankley of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester beinge sicke in bodie but in perfitt mine & memorie thanks be given to Almightie god for yt do make & ordein this my Last Will & Testament in Manner & forme as followeth

First I comende my soul into the handes of almightie god my Creator & my Bodie to be buryed in the Churchyeard of Plungar aforesaide

Item I geve unto the Churche of Plungar iiis

Item I geve and bequeth unto the poorest people of Plungar three strike of Barlie

Item I geve and bequeth unto my three Daughters Jane Alice and Elizabeth everie one of them Twentie Pounds a peece

Item I gve unto my three servants Thomas Talor, Agnis Casle and Henry Staly either of them one strike of barlie

Item I geve unto everie one of my Godchildren xiid a peece

Item I geve and bequeth unto my son John Blankley six Draughte beaste, wayne & wayne geires, plow & plow geires, all howveles, pailes, horse plangers & beaste …

Item my will is that when my saide son John shall come to the age of twentie & one yeres to enter uppon his lands, to have all the said land readye sowne with Rye, Wheat, Barlie, & pease orderly to his hand

Item I geve & bequeth unto Alyce my wyfe the thirde of all my lands according to the Custom of the Country & further my will is that shee shall have whollie to herselfe duringe her naturall life one house with the Comodities now in the tenere or occupacon of Henry Boar & after her decease the saide house I geve to my said son John Blanklie

And Lastly all the rest of my goods not geiven & unbequethed my debtes & legacies beinge payde my funerall discharged I geve & bequeth unto Alyce my wife, whome I make my full & whole executrix Provided allwaies that my will is that the saide Alice my wife shall have the tuicion or bring up of all my Children with theire porcions which I have geven unto them

And unto this my last will & Testament I have Requested & appoynted my welbeloved friends Henry Boar and George Peniston [?] to be overseers, that it may be performed according to my true & playne meaninge And doe geve unto either of them for their peines xiid


A True & perfitt note or inventorie of all the Goods & Cattell of Thomas Blanklie pf Plungar in the county of Leicester husbandman late deceased made & prized the eight day of November in Anno do 1602 by Henry Boar, Ralphe Thrumpton & George P… husbandmen

In the yeard  
Imprimis the Croppe of corne pease & haye xxx li
Item Two Bulloks & foure horses geven to his son xiiii li
Ite the wayne & waine geeres, plow & plow geres with hovels pailes  
horse planks & bease standing geven to his saide son iiii li vis viiid
Item Two Cartes, trees, plow & plow geres with plow tymber, harrowes  
& other wood in the yearde v li xs
Item eight hives with beese xls
Item three skore & eighteene sheepe xxiiii li
Item one mare & a fillie iii li vis viiid
Item Ten bease yonge & olde xiiii li
Ite eight Swyne yonge & olde ls
Item the Quornes & one heire cloth viiis
Item hennes & Geese viiis
In the Haule house  
Imprimis one Cubberd & twentie peecs of pewter xxxs
Item tow Chaffinge dishes, sec Candlesticks & four saltes xs
Item three Brass pans foure Kettels one skimmer & 5 brasse potts v li
Item on Tabble, one forme, two Cheares, stoles, & one pen vis
In the Butterie  
Ite two Barreles with other Tubbes pales dishes trenchers & spoons xiis
In the Kitchinge  
Item one Leade with Implements about the fyre xs
Item one sadle with bridle, forks, rakes, spits cobirons with all other  
Iron Implements xs
In the Parlour  
Item two Bedsteede, fyve matteres & one fether bed iii li
Item eight coverlids & three blankets ls
Item ten paire of flexen sheets 3 towels & xiii pillobeirs iiii li xs
Item one chest Coffers, pillows & bolsters xxiis
Item three payre of hempen sheets xs
Item four cussens, painted clothes & all other things unpreissed xs
Lastly his Pursse & his Appell xls
The Sum hereof is one hundred twentie 3 pounds nine shillings & 4 pence  

Probate 24 November 1602