Black Robert 1662 of Harby will and inventory

Robard Blacke of Harby 1662 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1662

In the name of god amen I Robard Blacke of Harby in the County of Leicester Weafour being weeke of bodie but of perfect memory prise bee god for it I have heare ordained and made this my Last will and testament in maner and form following

Imprimis First I give and bequeath my Soule into the hands of allmighty god in whom & through my beleife in his Son I hope to bee saved and my body for to bee buryed in the bureing place of Harby aforesaid

And for my outward Estate first I give and bequeath to my mother Ales … five pounds to bee paid twenty shillings one month after my decease and four pounds one whole yeare after my decease

Item give to Thomas Clarke son of William Clarke Deceased that Cottage house or tenement with all ther unto belonging in Harby aforesaid and to his heaires for ever after the desease of mee and my wife and the longer liver of us paying Teen pounds to … … after mentioned within one whole year after the … the said house or tenement

First to give to William Clark his brother fourty shillings and to give to his sister Mary Clarke fourty shillings

Item to give to John Sumners Children of Eaton in the County of Leicester fourty shillings to bee equally Divided amongst them

Item to give to Thomas Dexon [?] Childrene of Hoes in the foresaid County one pound teen shillings to be equally divided amongst them

Item to give to Francis Wills Children fifty shillings living at Littell Cropwell in the County of Nottingham fourty shillings for his son and teen shillings for the grille [sic]

Item I give to my wife Mary all my goods unbequeathed Cattell and Chattell whatsoever after my depts and legacis paid and my finerall discharged and I doe heere make … and ordaine my wife Mary my Joynt full and Lawful Executore of this my last will and testyment

In wittnes where of I have sett to my hand and seale this seaventh day of June in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred sixty and one

                                                                                                         Robard Blacke his marke and seale


James Atkinson

John Middelton

Thomas North


A true And perfect Inventary of all the goods Cattell & Chattell of Robard Blacke of Harby in the County of Leicester Weafour Late deceased as it was taken and prased by Thomas Hand John Hand William Roe and James Atkinson of the foresaid town and County the twenty sixt day of June In the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred sixty and one as followeth

£ s d
Imprimis his purse and apparill 1 10 0
Item In the house one table one Coubard one fram foure Stouls 1 10 0
Item for brase and putter 0 8 0
Item for one bible 0 4 0
Item for a tub Cimbell kits and other Implements 0 10 0
Item for houks toungs and other Implements 0 2 0
Item for Ticken ware and other Implements 0 3 0
Item in the parlour one bedstead & 2 Coffers and a from [sic] 0 12 0
Item for ten weebs of Linin Cloth 0 16 0
Item for a matteris a bed Cillin Sheet and other beding 1 18 0
Item for pillowbears and napkins 0 5 0
Item for one … and 3 hoppetts 0 1 4
Item in the Chamber one bedsted a Cradell a hacke a leather and other implements 0 12 0
Item for tow Cows 6 0 0
Item for a piges and hens and a Cooke 0 10 0
Item In the yard for maner 0 5 0
Item for a wooll weell and linin weell 0 3 4
Item for a Reinseause and … and 2 forks 0 2 6
Item for a hofeull and … fenses 1 10 0
Item one Leather and tow dors 0 8 0
Item In the shope for Loums gears and all other Implements belonging to the trade 7 0 0
Item for the house for her life 5 0 0
Item for things forgotten   0 3 0
                                                                                                        Sum total 29 13 2


Thomas Hand his marke

William Roe his marke

John Hand his marke

James Atkinson

Probate 19 June 1662