Bell Thomas 1626 of Harby will and inventory

Thomas Bell of Harby 1626 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/243

In the name of god Amen I Thomas Bell of Harby in the County of Leicester husbandman beinge sick in body but of sound and perfecte memorye thanks be to god do constitute and make this my laste will and testament in manner following viz that is to saye

Firste I give and bequeath my Soule unto Almighty god my maker hopinge to be saved by the merits of Jesus Christe my alone lord Saviour and redemer and my bodye to the Earth from whence if came

Item I give unto my eldest sonne Thomas Bell that five pounds of Current English monye which is in the hand of John Wrighte of Nether Broughton and the fourth parte of all my goods (Excepte the houshoulde stufe and the lease I tooke of Thomas Dubledaye) at the Feaste of St Martine in Winter beinge the Eleventhe daye of November next after my decease

Item I give unto my sonne Mathew one other fourthe parte of all my goods as aforesayd at the Feast of St Martin (except before excepted)

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane one other fourth parte of my goods and halfe my houshould stufe excepte the lease of Thomas Dubledaye at Martinmas next after my decease as aforesaid

Furthermore my Will is that my two welbeloved and trustye frends Mathew Markham of Harbye aforesayd and William Smarte of Clawson in the County aforesady yeomen be gardiners [sic, ie guardians] for my foresaid three Children to put the foresaid goods forward to the best use for my sayd Children untill they shall come to the age of Twentie and one years and to remayne to them then living

Item I give unto the nowe Wife of William Smarte of Clawsonne one ewe lambe

Item I give and bequeath unto Anne Marche my servant one Cowe and the lynone where she spinneth uppon and the beed she lyethe uppon which was her dame Brodwells the same to be sett forth by the foresaid Mathew Markham and William Smarte

Item I give unto Rachell Came the wife of James Came one ewe lambe to be sett forth by the foresaid Mathew and William

Item I give unto ten of the poorest of the towne of harbye sixe pence appece to be payd unto them within halfe yeare next after my death

Item I give and bequeath unto my eldest daughter Katharen the lease of the house I tooke of Thomas Dubledaye which was John Jamses and all the rest of my goods unbequeathed whom I make the full and sole executrix of this my present will and laste testmente to see that my bodye be brought to the earth my funirall expences discharged my debts payd and my legases truly and duly discharged according to my trewe intente and meaninge

Furthermore I make appoynte and Authorise by this my laste will my two trusty and welbeloved frends Mathew Markham and William Smarte my supervisers and do give to each of them twenty shillings to see that this my laste will and testament be performed according to the trewe intente and meaninge hearof

In Wittnesse whereof I the foresayd Thomas Bell have set this my last will and testament in hand the fifte daye of Maye in the second yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faythe &c 1626

Morover I give unto Ann March one strike of barley also my will is that the litle porcon of land I tooke of Henry Dalbye shalbe by my Supervisers Mathew Markham and William Samarte put to the beste use for all my foresayd Children

                                                                                                         Thomas Bell his marke


Nathan Markham

James Cam his marke

The mark of Edward Marrett

John Sta..ham his marke


Ano dni 1626 Mai 19th

A trewe inventory of all the goods and Chattles of Thomas Bell of Herby deceased the 13th daye of maye last past prysed by them whose names are underwritten the 19th daye of maye in the second yeare of the Raigne of our moste gracious … lord Charles by the grace of god kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faythe &c

Imprimis his poorse and appell 1 0 0
Item in the hale the firiron the recons the pothoock and tongs 0 2 0
Item the table and frame the forme and 2 Chers a litle table two      
litle stooles a sacbarrell and a plancke 0 7 6
Item three brasse pans and a pot and 3 puter dishes 1 7 0
Item a hachitt a frine pan and a plancke 0 2 0
Item in the milkhouse two barrells and two … the chees …      
with some other smale things 0 12 0
Item the tiknell ware pipkins and panchins 0 2 6
Item in the parler 2 beedsteeds with the furniture 3 sheets      
2 old Coffers a Whele a drinkine bottle a lanterne and two      
pounds of flax 1 9 4
Item in the Chamber over the house mault and barley 2 5 0
Item in the same chamber 2 shares 2 Coulters & other      
old Iron 0 7 0
Item in the Chamber over the parler a … a hoper … and sacks 0 5 0
Item in the barne 12 beese for fooldinge 2 … and a litle old wood 0 11 6
Item in the yard 4 laders and a sheepcribe 2 plowes and 2      
harrowes 0 18 8
Item in the … yard the hovell and two Carts 2 19 4
Item in the stable six horses and mars the plow and Cart      
geers 13 0 0
Item the meate beese five kyne and two … a heffer and three      
Cavles [sic] 17 10 0
Item in the yard a sowe and a sh… 1 0 0
Item two ewes and lambes and 3 other sheepe 2 0 0
Item the forks and shovells 0 1 6
Item all the corne and middow uppon the ground 40 0 0
Item the manneur in the yard 1 6 8
Item the pullen aboute the yarde 0 2 8
                                                                                          Suma totalis 87 9 8

Mathew Markham

William Francke

James … his mark

James Cam his mark

John Canham his mark

Probate 16 June 1626