William Barke of Stathern 1592 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/213
In the name of God Amen The Twentye ninth daye of August in the Thirtie fowre yeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth by the grace of God of Englande France & Ireland Queen defender of the fayth &c & in the yeare of our Lord god 1592 Wytnesseth that I William Barke of Stathorne in the countie of Lester husbandman beinge sicke in bodye but of memorye whole & sounde thanks be unto God doe ordaine & make this my Last will and Testament in maner as followeth
Fyrst I bequeath my soule to Allmightie God the maker of me & all mankind and my Bodye to be buryed in the Church yarde of Stathorne aforeseyde
Item I give unto the poore mans boxe of Stathorne Two shillings
Item I give unto Two boyes which were my daughter Elizabeth Children eyther of them an Ewe
Ite I gyve unto Two boyes of my Brother Barnarde either of them an Ewe hogge & unto my Brother Barnard I gyve all my best apparell & unto his daughter Joane I give xiid & unto his sonne Richard xxiid
Item I gyve & bequeath allso unto Katherine my welbeloved wife Two kyne my Brended Cowe & my pyde cowe allso unto her I give all the stuffe in my parlour whatsoever except Two bedsteads with theire furniture my Ammbrye & all the furniture as Brasse pewter and whatsoever else thereunto pertaineith
Also my Will & mynde is that Katherine my wife shall have her meate drinke Clothinge Lodginge Washinge & …ing goods & sufficient during her life in the house with my Sonne William uppon his owne proper Cost & Charges
Allso my will & minde is that Katherine my wife shall not have to deal with her Two kyne so longe as my sonne William keepeth him unmarried but with theire Calves But when he marrieth then let her doe with them both what shall seeme her best
Item I give unto John my Sonne Twentye poundes to be payde to him in money & Cattle, a new wayne, Two hyves & an Ewe sheepe & he to Chuse at Martellmas whether he will have an Ewe or an …
Allso my will and mynde is that John my sonne shall farme halfe of all the land that my sonne William hath in usage this next seede Tyme after the date hereof my sonne William finding of him seed uppon his owne proper costs and Charges so much as shall sowe his halfe parte And my mynde is that John shall not sell his parte on the Grounde without the consent of his Brother but shall bringe it home that his brother may have the fodder if he shall stand in need thereof
Ite I give unto Sisselye my daughter Twentye pounds if shee wilbe [“ruled” missing] by Mr Rudd, John Dixson and my Brother Barnard, but if shee wilbe not ruled by these then I reserve her to their Discretion
All the rest of my Goods unbequeathed moveables & unmoveables my debts payd my Legacies & funerall all beinge discharged I give them whollie to William my sonne whom I doe make my trewe & Lawfull Executor of this my Last will & Testament And I doe appoint John Dixson & my Brother Barnard to be Supervisors of this my will & doo give unto either of them for their paynes taking xiid
In Witnesse hereof I have sette my marke whose names doe testifie which under written
William Barke his marke
John Dixson
John Travys
Barnard Bark his marke
Probate 12 September 1592