Austin William 1754 of Grimston Inventory

William Austin of Grimston 1754 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1754

A true and perfect Inventory of all the Goods and Chattells of William Austin of Grimston in the County of Leicester Farmer deceas’d April the 8th 1754

Item for 5 Mares at121000
For 5 Cows at 3 li150000
4 Calves at 30s60000
For young Calves10000
For 15 yews and lambs6000
For 15 Lamb hogs at 5s3150
For 4 acres of wheat at 20s per acre400
For 8 acres of Barley Clotts at 10s400
For 18 acres of Bean Earth at 5s350
One old wagon and Cart700
One Plow and one Harrow100
For five pair of Geers and Collars2100
Item for goods in the House100
Item for goods in the Parlor a bed and bedding and other Goods300
Item for goods in the Chamber1100
Item for goods in the Kichen100
Item for Brass and Pewter200
Item for Things unseen and forgotten100
Item his Purse and apparel  100

Appraised by us

Will: Henson

Thomas Austin

Bond, bound Martha Austin widow of Grimston, Thomas Austin husbandman of Grimston and Thomas Kelham yeoman of Grimston £153 21 October 1754, condition bound Martha Austin widow and administrator of William Austin late of Grimston intestate to produce inventory and administer estate

                                                                                                                Martha Austin

                                                                                                                Tho Austin

                                                                                                                Thos Kelham