Allsopp George 1638 of Grimston Inventory

George Allsopp of Grimston 1638 Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/40/181

A true Inventarie of all the goods credits and chattells of George Alsop late of Grimston in the countie of Leicester gent deceased taken & prised the twenty eight day of May ano dni 1638 by John Morris John Richardson Thomas Hoyes and George Hubbard as followeth vizt

Imprimis his purse and apparell1000
In the Hall   
Itm one framed table, two … formes one ioined stoole, one livery cupboard,   
one  litle … table, one bench behind the table, two turned chaires one saltchest,   
one litle glasse case, one mortar168
Item one landiron with a plate of iron before it, one gallow iron, fouer hookes   
to hang potts on, one paire of cobirons, one fire shovell with tongs, one paire   
of bellows, one gridiron, one tosting forke, one … forke, two basting ladles,   
one gun or fouleing peece, one bible, one book of the life of the Saincts, one   
double … with other small implements and certaine yarne234
In the Parlour   
Item one framed table with a carpet, one liverie cupboard with a towel, one   
ioined bedstead with three blanketts, two featherbeds, one mattresse, one   
bolster with curtaines and vallans, one ioined chest, one ioined chaire, one   
wicker chaire with two velvet stooles, one forme beyond the table, eleaven   
cushions (whereof five were prised in the Hall) one landiron, one paire of tongs,   
one warming pan, one looking glasse400
In the Butterie   
Itm sixe barrells with two thralls, two low ioined stooles, one leather bottle,   
with five shelves, one frying pan, one leather bottle, one iron …0180
In the staire case   
Itm one litle box, one shelfe, seaven pewter candlesticks with all the pewter   
in the house168
In the kitchin   
Itm one landiron, one pair of [lost in fold, probably “tongs”] three spits, two iron   
dripping panns, two frying panes, two hookes to hang pots on, one iron peale,   
two frogs, one spade for hallocks, fower brasse pots, fower bottles & two brasse   
pannes, one chafendish, two little posnets, two small bottles, one skimmer, one   
shelfe, one brasse mortar, one iron pitchpan, one churne, five pailes, one   
mashfatt, three kimnells and other brasse pannes5100
In the new chamber   
Itm one halfe headed bed, one coverled, fower blankets, one bolster, one ioined   
Chest, one powdring tubbe, one brandiron1100
In the chamber over the entry   
Itm one halfe headed bedstead, two bolsters, one mattres, two blankets,   
a horne and leather purse belonging to a gun or fouling peece0134
In the store chamber   
Itm three bacon flitches & halfe a peece of hung beefe, three strikes of wheate,   
one strike of mill corne, two longinch bords with tressells, one linnen wheele,   
a ioined stoole and one fleece of wooll2100
In the chamber over the Butterie   
Itm one half headed bedstead, one flock bed, one bolster, two pillowes, three blankets,   
one mattresse, one bolster, one blanket, one coverlet, upon a trundlebed, with   
one chest150
In the Chamber over the parlour   
Itm two guilded bolls, two silver spoones, one silver salte, one liverie cupboard   
with one boxe, one ioined stoole, foure paire of flaxen sheets, two paire of   
harden sheets & foure paire of hempen sheets, two dozen of napkins, five pillowbers9150
In the stable   
Itm two saddles, two bridles, sixe forkes, one iron rake, one spade, one locke,   
One paire of fethers, one chest, one provender tubb, one curriccombe, and   
other implements seene & unseene100
Debtes due to the defunct upon bonds or other specialtie600150
In the Close or pasture on Sholeby   
Itm twelve kine4400
Itm one bull one steare & one heifer600
Itm sixe yeareling heifers800
Itm five calfs2134
Itm fower skore and fower ewes5080
Itm on guelding4100
Itm fower skore & eighteene other sheepe4420
Itm two sowes168
Itm one short sword or hanger with the belt100
In the hands of the defuncts widow   
Divers writings & … & especially one bond for paymt of 100 li & one other   
bond for pament of 50 li, in toto for the two bonds15000
Itm the lease of the defuncts house in Grimston & certaine pasture grounds   
In Sholebynotyetpriced
The widowes bed   
Itm one seeled bed with tester, two fether beds, one mattresse, one bolster,   
three blankets, one greene rugge with curtains not  yetpriced
Suma totalis … &c appreciation954130

Exhibited 22 September 1638