Adcock Nicholas 1582 of Scalford Will

Nicholas Adcock of Scalford 1582 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1583/70

In the name of God amen In the xiiith daye of October & in the yeare of our Lorde god 1582 I Nycholas Adcock of Scalford in the countye of Leicester husbandman sycke in bodye but whole in minde and of good and perfect memorye god be thanked therefore doe make and ordaine this my laste will and testament in maner and forme followinge

Firste I bequeathe my soule unto allmightye god and my bodye to be buried in the churche yarde of Scalford

Itm I geve and bequeath unto everye one of my foure daughters one ewe hogge to be delyvered presentlye after my departure out of this worlde and to goe forwarde to theire comodyte

Itm I geve and bequeathe to Elizabethe Webster my sister one ewe and to her sonne Jhon Webster one lambe

Itm I geve and bequeathe to Nycholas Buggye one lambe

Itm I geve and bequeathe unto my sister Joyse Adcocke in consideration of a discharge of my fathers will iii strike of barley and one strike of maulte

I will also that my wiffe shall plowe the lande during the terme of my lease in suche order and for the same consyderatione I plowed it before

Itm I geve and bequeathe unto Alice my wiffe the thirde parte of my goods moveable and unmoveable with my lease and the yeares in it yet not expired

Itm the other two parts of my goods I geve and bequeathe unto my sixe children that is the one halfe equallye to be devided betwixte my two sonnes Willm Adcocke and Nycholas Adcocke to be paied when they shall come to the age of one and twentye years The other parte to be equallye devided betwixte my four daughters Jone Adcocke Margaret Adcocke Hellenn Adcocke and Isable Adcocke to be paied eythere at the day of their mariage or else at theire age of one and twentye yeares

Itm I do make and ordaine Alice my wiffe and Willm Adcocke my sonne executors unto this my laste will and testament

Itm I will that Raphe Segrave Gentleman and Jhon Musson be supervisors unto this my testament

Thes beinge witnesses unto my last will and testament whose names are underwritten

Willm Binckes

Willm Astall

Robarte Gilberte

Willm Berye

An Inventorye of the goods and cattells of Nycholas Adcocke of Scalforde in the countye of Leicester husbandman taken and prysed by us Willm Astall Robarte Gilberte Thomas Musson and Willm Berye 1582

In primis his apparellxiiis iiiid
The Halle 
Itm two cobbordsxs
Itm one table and a forme thre cheares two tablesvis viiid
Itm one dishe benches with one penn and other trenn wareiis
Itm thre pailes one greate wodden bolexvid
Itm two brasse pannes and two kettlesxxvis viiid
Itm iiii brasse potsxxiiiis
Itm xi peces of pewter & three sawcersxis
Itm thre salts three candellstickesiiis
Itm one leadevis viiid
Itm one fire yron one brandyron with pote hingles and one paire of tongsiiis iiiid
Itm one spite and thre cobyronsiis viiid
Itm vi cushines and one hanging clothevs
Itm two lynnen wheles and one wollen wheleiiis
The parlore 
Itm vii paire of flaxen sheetsxlvis viiid
Itm v paire of hempen sheets and two bord clothesxxvs
Itm viii paire of harden shets and two harden bordeclothesxxiiiis
Itm iiii towels and vi table napkinsixs iiiid
Itm vi small pillowebearesvis viiid
Itm iiii matrissesxiiis iiiid
Itm vis bede coveringsxls
Itm iiii bolsters and vi small pillowesvs iiiid
Itm iii bedstedsiiis
Itm iiii coffersviiis
Itm hengings in the parloreiiis iiiid
Itm one saltinge trofe one boltinge trofe one arke with other tubesxvs iiiid
The Stable 
Itm iiii horses and maresv li vis viiid
Itm two fillyesxiiis iiiid
Itm viii kynneix li xs
Itm five and fiftye sheepex li
Itm two yron bounde cartes and carte gearesiii li
Itm xviii axe tresvis
Itm plowes and plowe geares with harrowesxiiis iiiid
Itm two hovelsxvis
Itm one sowe and iii shotesxxs
Itm the crope in the feildexx li
Suma 67 li 4s