Drury William 1559 of Nether Broughton Will

William Drury of Nether Broughton 1559 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives, Leicestershire Wills and Probate Records 1559

In the name of good amen the xviiith day of Auguste in the yer of our lorde good mccccclviii I Wyllm Drowre of Neyther Broughton in the Countie of Leycester in olle mynde and perfett remembrans ordeyn and make this my last wyll and testament

Fyrst I bequeythe my Soule to almyghty good my body to be buryed in the church yard of Broughton

Also I bequeyth to the hye auter … xiid and to the mother churche of Lyngcolne iid

Also I bequeyth to Emmott Watken one schepe ogge and to my good children ii schepe oggs

Also I bequeyth to Robart my Sonne a score of schepe and a yerlynge calfe and to John my sonne a score of schepe and a redde heyfar

Also I bequeth to Thomas Deycson and Willm Rolston ether of them xiid

The Resydew of my gudds not bequeyth I gyve and bequeyth to Alys my wyfe and Rycharde my sonne whom I make my full executors and Thomas Deycson and Wyllm Rolston Supervisors of this my laste will

Thes wyttnesse Thomas Thoveys [?] parson ther Thomas Deycson Willm Rolson and John Hand

Inventorie eius bonorum Willm Drowry … … apartor per Thomas Deycson Willm Rolston Johane Hand

Inpris a scor of weddersiii li vis viiid
It a scor of copullsliis iiiid
It a scor of scher oggsxlvis viiid
It xl scher schepeiii li vis viiid
It iii kye a heyfar a calfeiii li xs
It a mar and a folexs
It iii schottsvs
It iii small potts a pan ii …xxs
It ii chargers viii plats iiii porengers ii saucersviiis
It a chaufyngdisch iii candelstycksiis
It xvi stonne of wulleiii li iiiis
It ii mattrys iii coverledds iii peyre of flaxen schets iii of ardenxxs
It a bolster ii pylows ii burde clothes ii towelsiiis
It a burde ii cofars a chest ii formys ii peyls ii … a spyttevs
Sumxxii li vs iiiid