Smith William 1646 of Scalford Will

William Smith of Scalford 1646 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1646/84

In the name of god Amen the tenth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord god one thousand six hundred forty & three I William Smith of Scalford in the county of Leicester husbandman of whole minde and of good & perfect remembrance prase bee to Allmighty god therefore make & ordaine this my last will & testement in manner & forme followinge

First that is to saie I Committ my soule unto allmighty god my maker & redemer and my body to bee buried in the church of Scalford aforesayd

Imprimis I give unto William Towne of Loghborrow vl to be payd to his daughter

Item I give unto Richard Smith vl

Item I give unto William Count vl and the mony which hee oweth mee to bee payd to my executor hereafter named by vl a yeare and mony which Jeffery West oweth unto mee to bee payd by vl a yeare

Item I give unto my cozen William Howitts three children vl apece that is 15l to them all

Item I give unto the pore people of Scalford xxs

Item I give unto the pore of Remston xxs

The residue of all my goods and cattells whatsoever I bequeath wholly & give unto my cozen Thomas Howitt whome I ordane and make my true & lawfull executor of this my last will & testement

In wittnes whereof I the saide William Smith have hereunto set my hand & Seale unto this my last will & testement the day & yeare first above written

                                                                                                                Will Smith

Wittnes unto this my will

John Howitt

John Teate

William Berry

Probate 29 January 1645/6

Theise may certifie that the will of William Smith of Scallford in the County of Leicester defunct date the tenth day of Aprill Ann Dom 1643 was read before him by me Thomas Bente Curat of Scallford aforesaid and he did then testifie that it was and should be his last will and testament to which said will John Howit John Teate and William Berry are witnesses and for the further confirmation of the said will you may have the oath of me the said Thomas Bente if need require

Scallforde                                                                                                            Tho: Bente

January 26th 1645


A true and perfect Inventarye of all the Goods Creditts and Chattles of Willm Smyth late of Scalford in the Countie of Leic deceased Made and taken the twentieth daye of March Anno dni 1645 [1645/6] by Henry Barker & Willm Sculthorpe as followeth

Impris his purse & apparel2000
Itm one featherbed three payre of sheets one Coveringe30304
Itm halfe a Dozen pewter Dishes0100
Itm three brasse potts and one Morter2134
Itm twoe Chests0134
Debts Due by Bond
Itm one Bond upon note which … Lovett of Remson did owe unto the defunct at the
time of his Death6200
Itm one bond upon which John Steele of Remson owes to be paid by five pounds
per Ann2000
Itm one bond whereupon … Cunningham of Remson owes1000
Itm one bond whereupon Henry Wilson of Great Leake owes200
Itm one bond upon which John Marshall of Langer owes500
Itm one bond upon which Mr Gilbert Armestronge of Remson doth ow2000
Itm bond upon which John Sanderson & John Littledike of Hoase doth owe1000
Itm one bond upon which … Edmond Barsdey & James Bardsey of Scalford owe1500
Itm one Bond upon which John Simpson of Eaton owes500
Itm one Bond upon which Willm Bradshawe of Great Leake owes500
Itm one bond whereupon Thomas Wright of Great Leake and Thomas Lister of
Over Broughton doe owe1000
Itm one bond upon which Magdalen Francke and Edward … of Harbye doe owe
Itm one bond whereon John Baylie & … Clarke doe owe1000
Itm one bond upon which John Baylie of Asfordbye owes1000
Itm one bond upon which … Sheppard of Remson owes10134
Itm one bond whereupon Raph Blacke of Asfordbye doth owe300
Item one bond whereupon Richard Steele of Remson owes1000
Itm one bond upon which … Julyan of Hoase owes400
Itm one bond upon which Ralph Whittles of Harbye owes300
Itm one bond upon which John Matchett of Scalford owes1500
Itm one bond upon which … Sculthorpe of Scalford owes1000
Itm one bond upon which John Healy of Loughborrow and Nich Cunningham
of Remson owe1000
Itm one bond upon which the same John Healy and Nich Cunningham doe owe1000
Item one bond upon which the same Nich Cunningham owes400
Item one Bond upon which Nich Mannes of Hickling doth owe1000
Itm one Bond upon which … Robinson of Scalford doth owe200
Itm one bond upon which Everard Steevenson of Harbye owes2000
Itm one bond upon which John Sanderson of Hose & George Heyne of
Thrussington owe1000
Itm one bond upon which Henry Jesson of Hickling doth owe500
Itm one bond upon which Edward Heyne & Rich Heyne of Remson doe owe2000
Itm one other bond upon which the same Edward Heyne & Richard Heyne doe
Debts desperate
Itm one Bond upon which Jeffry West of Great Leake doth owe twenty pounds
to bee paid by 5 li per Ann2000
Itm one Bond from Rich Heanes and Edward Heanes of Remson for3000
Itm one Bond upon which … Gisborne and Thomas Gisborne of Great Leake owe1400
Itm one Bond upon which Rich Heanes & Edward Heanes of Remson owe1000
Itm one Bond upon which Thomas Wright of Great Leake owes400
Itm one Bond upon which Henry Tompson & xpofer North of Normanton doe
Suma … Desperator … supra putet8000
Suma Total47200

Exhibited 21 March 1645/6