Musson George 1598 of Scalford Will

George Musson of Scalford 1598 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/219/133

In the name of god Amen I George Musson of Scalford in the county of Leicester husbandman sicke in bodie but whole in mind and of good and perfect memory thankes be to god therefore do make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of allmightie god, and my Bodye to be buried in the Churchyard of Scalford aforesaid

Itm I geve unto the poore of Scalford viiis

Itm I geve and bequeath unto Nicholas Musson my brother all the … debts he ought me whatsoever

Itm I geve and bequeath unto Willm Binkes vi l ixs wch is oweinge unto me by one Jhon Hodgekin of Melton Mowebery as appeareth by one bond under the hands and seales of the said Jhon and Willm Atkine granted

Itm I forgeve unto the said Willm Bincks xliiis iiiid wch he oweth me

Itm I geve and bequeath unto the two children of Jhno Halle of Waltham either of them one shepe

Itm I geve and bequeath unto Agnes Binckes my sister one shepe

Itm I geve unto Thomas Watson sonne of Jhon Watson one shepe

Itm I geve unto Nathaniell Bincks one shepe

Itm I geve unto James Binckes sonne of George Bincks one shepe

Itm I geve unto Hughe Musson all that debte he ought me whatsoever

Itm I geven unto George Bincks one mare wch now is in the use of Hughe Musson of Fraibee

Itm I geve unto Thomas Killinglye the elder vs wch he owethe me the other vs wch he owethe to be payed to my executore

Itm I geve unto George Musson one coffour [?]

The reste of my goods unbequeathed my debts beinge payed and my funerals discharged I geve and bequeath unto George Bincks whom I make my sole and full execatore to this my last will and Testament

Thes beinge wittnesses

Willm Levers

Thomas Killinglye the elder

Thomas Killinglie the younger

Probate 29 July 1599


An Inventorye of the goods & chattels of George Musson late of Scalford in the countye of Leicester husbandman deceassed taken and praysed by Willm Musson Jhon Wilford and Nycholas Musson husbandmen, the xthe of Marche 1598 [1598/9]

In primis his apparellxxs
Itm in his pursevis
Itm oweinge by Nicholas Mussonxii li
Itm oweinge by Willm Binckesvls
Itm oweinge by Jhon Hodgekinevi li
Itm oweinge by George Binckesxi li
Itm vii sheepexvis viiid
Itm one marexls
Itm two …iiiis
Itm oweinge by Thomas Killinglievs
Itm oweinge by Hughe Mussonxls