Wright William 1678 of Nether Broughton will and inventory

William Wright of Nether Broughton 1678 Will Inventory and Administration

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1678/38

In the name of God Amen the Tenth Day of September 1677 I William Wright of Nether Broughton in the County of Leicester yeoman beinge weake of Body but whole of Minde and of good and perfect remembrance (praise and thankes be given to God) I doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme here following

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty my maker faithfully trustinge to be saved Eternally by the alone merritts death passion and pretious bloud sheddinge of Jesus Christ my most mercifull redeemer and by none other meanes and by Body to the Earth from whence it came in Christian Manner to be buryed hopeinge to have a Joyfull resurrection with the Just at the last way

Item I [“give” missing] unto Richard Wright my son Twelve pence

Item I give unto Margery my Wife my house and homestead wherein I doe now Inhabite with the Two Oxgange of Land and all the appurtenances belonginge unto them within the Town fields territoryes and precincts of Nether Broughton aforesaid for and dureing her naturall life provided shee doe not change her condition which if she shall doe then for to goe cleave of the saide estate with her widdow Bed and five pounds yearly dureing her life

Item at the changing of her condition or after her decease I doe give and bequeath the said house and homestead with the Two oxgange of land and all the appurtenances belonging unto them within the Towne fields territoryes and precincts of Nether Broughton aforesaid unto William Wright my son and to the heires of his body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such issue to go unto Richard Wright my son and unto his heires provided that the said Richard or his heires shall at his or theire first entrance upon the said estate pay unto Margaret and Alice my Daughter or theire issue if they have any Three score pounds over and above theire portions set by theire father

Item I doe give and bequeath unto Margaret my Daughter one hundred pounds

Item I doe give and bequeath unto Alice my Daughter one hundred pounds with half my household goods equally to be divided betwixt them Two the other half I leave to my wifes disposal amongst my children four score pounds of such of my two daughters portions to be paid to them at the time of theire Marryage the other Twenty pounds to each of them at the birth of theire first child or children

It I give to William Wright my nephew Twenty Shillings & one ewe hog

It I give to William Guy the younger one ewe & lambe & I doe Desire Wm Guy senior to be supervisor of this my last Will & Testament

                                                                                                         The mke of William Wright

Read signed sealed and delivered in the presence of

William Tilsley

Richard Wright

William Guy

Memorand before and at the time of the sealinge hereof it was the Testators minde that if either of his Daughters Decease halfe portion to goe to the other


May the 29 Anno 1678

A true and perfect inventory of all the goods Cattile and Chattill of William Wright Senior of Nether Broughton Late deceased prased by us whose names are heaire under ritten

  £ s d
Imprimis his purse and Aparrill 2 10 0
In the house one Cubard one table and forme Cheaires and Stoules and all other      
goods in the house and the puter 3 0 0
In the paller one table and formes 1 0 0
Two Chissis five peaire of Sheits and all other Lining in the parler 6 0 0
One bedstead and beding belonging to is and all other goods in the parler 2 10 0
In the deairre the Brase and all other things in the deairre 3 10 0
In the Kiching one Copper and tubs and all other Lumber in the kich 2 0 0
In the Chamber over the house one bedsted and beding and all other things in      
the Chamber 1 10 0
In the Chamber over the parler two bedsteads and beding and all other things      
belonging to the Chamber 3 10 0
In the Kiching Chamber all the Corne and all other things in the Chamber 4 0 0
In the yearde one Krte one plowe and other things in the yearde 5 10 0
In the Stable one set of geaires ploutimber and other things in the Stable 5 0 0
Foure mares two Coults and one fille 50 10 0
Foure Cowes Aleaven young bease 30 0 0
Two and thirty Ship 15 0 0
Two oxgangs of corn and meddow 20 0 0
One Close of Corne 3 0 0
All Poultores in the yearde seene or not seene 2 0 0
  60 0 0

Edward Wright

George Wright

Richard Wright

Charles Lowe

Bond, bound Margery Wright widow of William Wright of Nether Broughton yeoman £20 15 June 1678, condition Margery Wright and William Wright general legatees in the Will of William Wright under general tenor of will to administer estate and produce and inventory

                                                                                                         Margery Wright’s mark

                                                                                                         William Wright