Richard Leeson of Long Clawson 1603 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/225/42
In the name of god Amen I Richarde Leeson of Claxton als Clauston in the Countie of Lecester husbandman, beinge weake & sicke of bodye but of good and perfecte memorye (praysed bee almightie god) this vth daye of Marche in the yeare of our lord god 1603 doe make & ordayne this my laste will & testament in manner followeinge
First I bequeave my soule to god that gave it, and my bodye to bee buryed in the Churche yard of Claxton aforesd
Item I give unto the poorest people of Claxton 2s to bee divided at my sonnes discretion & xiid towards the Churche
Itim I give unto my sonne in Lawe Heughe Harryson xiid
Itim I give unto my sonne in Lawe Richarde Harryson xiid
Itim I give unto my daughter in Lawe Elizabeth Noble xiid
Itim I give & bequeave unto William Richarde and Alice Leeson my grande children to everye one of them particularly 1 ewe lame
Itim I give towards the amending of the heighe wayes xxd
Itim I give unto Willam Jesson one hewe & lame
Itim I give unto my servant Robert Waters vid
Itim I give unto my servant Syselye Stanoppe vid
Itim I give & bequeave unto my loveinge wyfe Elizabeth Leeson all myne & her Linnens, to herselfe, the thirde parte of this my nowe dwelling house & farme hereunto belonginge, beinge taken of them equally & by proportion, during her life & the thirde of all my goods throughout, except & provided, that at the discease of my wyfe, she shall leave all hovels; neats houses, furniture in the stable, ploughes, droughts & waynes, plough But & Cart But & Crope Feilde or Towne wholley to my sonne William Leeson & his assignes
Itim I give & bequeave unto my sonne William Leeson the whole Interest of that Oxgange of Lande which I have taken of Thomas Marryat presentlye after my death
Itim I give unto him all the reste of my farme & the interest thereof presentlye, & all the rest of my goods unbequeaved, & the whole Interest of my farme, after the discease of my wyfe, to my sd sonne William & his assignes for ever
Itim I make & ordayne Joyntley my wyfe & my sonne William Leeson executors of this my last will & testament to see the same performed
Lastley I make Richard Stevens & Robert Hicklinge overseers of this my last will & testament whome I intreat to have Care in the oversight thereof
Testes sunt
Thomas Wright Vicar
Richarde Stevens
Richard Hicklinge theire hands
Stevens and Hickling seem to be their marks
A trewe Inventorye of all the goods & Chattels of Richarde Leeson of Claxton als Clauston in the Countie of Lecester husbandman Lately disceased taken the sixt daye of Aprill 1603 by Richard Hicklinge, Robert Hicklinge, Richard Stevens & Edward Smart they praysers
Imprimis his purse & apparell | 3l |
Itim in the parler 3 bedsteeds, furniture therunto belonginge, a presse & Coverleds thereupon 3 Cofers & all Lynnens therein, & all other napery, paynted clothes, & all other implements in the sd parler | 6l |
Itim 3 potts & 3 panns | 20s 8d |
Itim in the house a Cubberd & pueter thereon | 20s |
Itim 3 tables with formes thereto 2 cheres, & Cushings & stoules | 16s |
Itim 2 spitts, Cobbers, fire Iron, tongs & fire Spaterne & other implements about the fire | 4s |
Itim paynted Clothes a sheepe 2 bacon flitches | 16s |
Itim in the Kitchin a Brainge leade, brainge vessels with all other implements therein | 20s |
Itim in the Stable ploughe tymber, horse[MJ1] … & manger with other implements therein | 13s 4d |
Itim in the yarde the ploughes & plough gears, waynes & waynegears, harrowes, 16 fleakes, & hovels | 5l |
Itim the Swyne & pullen | 33s 4d |
Itim 6 draught beasts & a foole | 12l |
Itim 9 kyne & heefers & 2 calves | 14l |
Iti 33 Sheepe | 10l |
Iti hea & Corne about the yarde | 7l |
Itim the Crope in the feilde | 20l |
Itim a leather & all things unpraysd | 3s 4d |
The Sume is | 84l 12s 8d |
The praysers hands Conferminge the same
Richard Hicklinge [his mark]
Richard Stevens [his mark]
Robert Hickling
Edward Smart [his mark]
Probate 14 May 1603