Whittle Margaret 1638 of Stathern will and inventory

Margaret Whittle of Stathern 1638 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/I/249/142

Memorandum That Margaret Whittle of Stathorne in the county of Leicester widow, in the tyme of her sicknes whereof she dyed vizt in January 1637 [1637/8] did make and declare her last will and testament nuncupative as followeth

She gave unto Dorothy her eldest daughter a greate depe brasse panne, three pewter dishes a cushion (on her cupberds head) a bed in the greate parlour under the window, feathers to stuffe a bed withall, a boulster, two pillowes, a white blanket, a greene and blew coverlid, a paire of harden sheetes, and wooll to make a blanket of

Item she willed and gave unto her yonger daughter Anne Whittle a cupbord three pewter dishes, a trundle bed, a feather bed, a boulster, two pillowes, a coverlid blew and yellow, a yellow blanket and a mattrise

Item she gave to her sonne John twentie shillings and a coffer in the little parlour

The residue of all her goods and chattells she gave unto her elder sonne Robert Whittle whom she nominated and appointed to be her sole executor, in the presence of Anne Caunt and Elizabeth …


A true inventorie of all the goods cattells and chattells moveable and inmoveable of Margaret Whittle widow lately deceased in the parish of Stathorne taken the second day of Februarie by us whose names are subscribed 1637

  £ s d
Imprimis her purse and appparell 2 0 0
Item three Mares and one horse 27 0 0
Item one cowe 2 6 8
Item three swine 0 25 0
Item Cocke and henns 0 3 4
Item Barlie and pease and wheate Corne 23 0 0
Item Barlie and pease earth readie tild 20 0 0
Item Cartes and Carte geares, plowes and plowe geares and harrowes 5 0 0
It fleakes and leathers & an old hovell 0 20 0
Item in the house one cupboard with pewter on it 2 20 0
Item brasse 2 2 0
Item one table two cheares and a cheese presse with other Implements 0 22 0
Item hookes fire iron & frieing pan 0 22 0
Item in the buttrie barrells and tubbs with other Implements 0 23 0
Item in the lesser parlour one bed a chest alsoe a lead with other implements 0 26 0
Item in the greate parlour beds chests wolling and linning with other Implements 1 0 0
Item in the chamber scepps a cheese hacke a table frame &c 0 6 8
Item coales sackes sives dishes and al things forgotten not praised 0 20 0

The total Sume is three score and two pounds twelve shillings eight pence

Thomas Holmes

Gabriel Caunt

Probate 1 September 1638