Daniel Smith of Plungar 1704 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1704/79
June the 28 Day Anoq Dni Dei 174
In the Name of God Amen I Daniel Smith of Plungar in the Countie of Leicester Rough Mason, Being Weake in Body But in perfect minde & Memorie, Praised by God therefore, Doe make & Ordaine this my Last will and Testament in manner & Forme following Principley Bequeathing my Soule to God that gave it me, & my body to the Earth, Trusting to Be Saved By the Merritts of Jesus Christ my onely Savior & Redeemer And as for my Worldly Estate which God in his Mercie hath given me I give Devise & Bequeath as followeth (That is to Say)
Imprimis I give Devise & Bequeath unto James Smith my Eldest Son all that my Dwelling House, Messuage & Tenement & one Oxgang of Land to the same Belonging Standing Lying & Being in Plungar aforesaid, And in the Fields & precincts thereof Together with all Outhouses, Buildings, Yards, Closes, Backsides, Wayes, Lands Arrable, Meadow, Pasture and Comon of Pasture with all & evrie their Appurtenances to the Same Belonging or any part thereof & now in my Possession and all Deeds & Charters to the Same Belonging To have & to hold from & imediately after he shall Ataine to the Age of one & Twenty yeares, & from thence to & for the Onely use & Behoof of him the sd James Smith my Eldest Son his heires & Assigns for ever (Excepting his Mothers Joynture for her Life) & then to his use as aforesd, And if it please God he Die Before he Ataine his said Age & Die without Lawfull issue, then to my Second Son John Smith & his heires, & soe Succesively from one Brother to Another
Item I give Devise & Bequeath unto my Said Second Son John Smith all that My Messuage House & Tenement, outhouses, Buildings, Yards, Backsides, Closes, Ways Easements & Appurtenances And alsoe One Oxgang of Land Arrable Meaddow & Pasture ground, Comons & Comon of Pasture, with the Moore Close, And all & Singler the Appurtenances to the sd premises Belonging Standing Lying & Being in the Towne Fields & Precincts of Sutton in the Parrish of Grandbie in the Countie of Nottingham I Lately Purchased of Samuel White, and now in the Possession of Richard Harvey, And all Deeds & Charters Belonging to the Same To have & to hold from & imediately after he Shall Ataine to the Age of one & Twenty yeares, & from thence to & for the Onely use & Behoofe of him the Sd John Smith my Second Son his heires & Assignes for ever Excepting fiftie Pounds to be paid out of it, as I shall hereafter in this my Will Declare, And if it Please God he Die before he ataine the sd Age Without Lawfull Issue then to my third Son & his heires & soe from one Brother to another
Item I give & Bequeath to Daniel Smith my third Son thirty Pounds Lawfull money ten pounds to Be paid By my Executrix hereafter Named, And Twenty Pounds of that fiftie pounds, excepted out my Land at Sutton, And to be Paid to him When he Shall Attaine to the Age of One & Twenty Yeares in full of Portion
Item I give & Bequeath to William Smith my fourth Son thirty pounds Lawfull money to be paid out of my Land at Sutton Being the Remainder of the fifty Pounds Before Excepted, To be paid to him When he Shall Attaine the Age of one and Twenty Yeares, in full of his Portion And it is my will & I Doe Will that if either of my youngest Sons Die Before the Atainment of one & Twenty yeares without Lawfull issue, then the Survivor to have Both Portions
Item it is my Will & I Doe Will that if the sd fiftie Pounds be not paid out of my said House & Land in Sutton According to my Will, & as I have Willed & Appointed, That the Partie … & unpaid, at the time or Times of Payment according to my Will That he or they Shall enter and Seize of the sd Houses Land premisses With their Appurtenances in Sutton, And the Same to Retaine Occupie & keepe in Possession, to his or their owne proper Behoofe till the Said Sevrall Sumes of twenty pounds & thirty Pounds Be Well & truly paid & satisfied with all Charges thereby Charged
Item it is my Will and I Doe Will that my Executrix hereafter Named shall in three Months after my Decease give Bond for the Payment of the sd ten pounds, as I have Willed it to be paid, And then that my Executrix & her Assignes, Shall have & Receive the … and Profitts of all my Lands at Plungar & Sutton & the interest of the Money, till the Land & Money be Returnable & Payable after the Costs & Charges, Keeping, Tableing, Maintaineing, Bringing up, And educateing my Said foure Sons in all things fitting to them & evrie of them, till they & Eache of them attaine to their Severall Ages of one & twenty years apeice, without any manner of Charge Stopage or Deduction, of any their Lands or Portions, And it is my Will & I doe Will it soe to bee And the my said Executrix, and her Assignes at all times at her or their charges shall keepe & mainetaine or Cause to be kept & Maintained all the houses, Buildings, & Fences, in good & Tenantable reparies, Dureing the time She or her Assignes holdeth them or any of them
All the Rest of my goods Cattells and Chattells, Monies household Stuffe implements and Creditts, what soever wheresoever I give and Bequeath With the Tuission of my Said Children To my Deere and Loveing Wife Anne Smith whome I make & ordaine Sole Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament She paying & Defraying all my Debts & the sd ten pounds & funeral Charges
And I hartyly Desire my verie Loveing friend and neighbor George Neale of Plungar aforesaid to be Supvisor of this my Last Will & Testament & doe hereby impower him for to Be soe
Revokeing all other wills by me made to this my Last will & Testament I have Sett to my hand and seale the Day and Yeare above Written
The marke & seal of Daniel Smith
Read, signed, seald & published the Last Will & Testament of the sd Daniel Smith in the presence of
William Gibbon
Georg Waite
Ric: Hickson
September 11th 1704
A true and perfect Inventory of the Goods & Chattles of Daniell Smith of Plungar in County of Leic Mason decd apprised as valued hereafter named viz
£ | s | d | |
Imprimis His Purse and Apparell | 06 | 13 | 08 |
Itm in the Hall and Parler all those Necessary Goods | 01 | 01 | 06 |
Itm Over Hall & Kitchin & Brass pewter & all things | 01 | 06 | 06 |
Itm … And iron Hookes and other Tackle | 00 | 05 | 00 |
Itm Thee Milke Cowes 2 Calves 13 Sheep 5 lambs Sow with Piggs | 05 | 18 | 06 |
Itm Corn & Hay & Barley & Bean Earth to sow | 07 | 00 | 00 |
Itm Bedding wollen & Linnen about the house | 01 | 10 | 00 |
Itm Ladder Pullen & other things forgot | 00 | 03 | 10 |
24 | 19 | – |
Charles Dann )
Rich Blankley ) Apprizers
George Nelle )
Probate 22 September 1704