Thomas Marriott of Hose 1641 Will
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1641/44
In the name of God Amen I Thomas Mariot of Hose in the Countie of Lycester Husbandman although sicke in boddy yet of perfect memorie the Lord be praysed doe make institute & ordayne this my Last will & testament in manner & forme as followeth
First I bequeath my soule unto the protection of the Almightie who first infused it into me then my boddy to the grave to be enclosed within the Church yard of Hose
Imprimis I give unto the Church of Hose the same day that I am Buried on six Shyllings eight pence
It I give unto my godsonn James Mariot of Hose in the Countie of Lycester Husbandman fortie Shillings
It I give unto my Cossen Thomas Mariot of Hose in the aforesaide Countie twentie Shyllings
It I give unto my Cosen John Mariot of Hose in the County aforesayde twentie Shyllings
It I give unto my Brother James Mariot of Sausleby in the Countie aforesayd Carpenter twentie shyllings
It I give unto Richard Mariot my Brother of Hose in the Countie aforesayde Six shyllings eight pence
It I give unto Thomas Mariot my godson sone of James Mariot of Hose Six s & eight pence
It I give unto George Mariot the Sonne of Richard Mariot of Hose Six shyllings eight pence
It to Richard Mariot the Sonne of Richard Mariot 6s8d
It to Stephen Mariot the Sonne of Richard Mariot 6s8d
It to Elizabeth Mariot the wyfe of Robert Jalyion of Hose 6s8d
It to Ann Mariot the daughter of Richard Mariot 6s8d
It to Elizabeth Mariot Daughter to James Mariot aforesd 3s4d
It to Isbell Mariot daughter to James Mariot aforesd 3s4d
It to Elizabeth Morris of Langar in the Countie of Notting: 3s4d
It to five Chyldren of Thomas Mariott of Hose 5s0
It I forgive William Smith of Clausson in the Countie of Lycester fortie Shillings which he is endebted unto me and six shillings & eight pence besydes
And all the rest of My Goods & Chattels I bequeath to my wyfe Margeritt Marriot & Grace Hardell whom I make myne Executors payinge all the Legacies above mentioned the same day twelve months that I am buryed to the which I have set to my hand & Seale this 29th day of May 1641
Thomas Mariot his marke
Sealed & delivered in the presence of
Samuel Browne
Robert Markcum his marke
Probate 7 June 1641