King Elizabeth 1679 of Harby will and inventory

Elizabeth King of Harby 1679 Will and Inventory

Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1679/116

In the name of God amen Aperel the … in the yere of our lord Christ accordin to the Computation of the Church of England one thousand six hundred seventy nine I Elizabeth King of Harby in the County of Leicester widdow bein of parfect memory and understanding praised be god doe make and ordaine this to be my last will and Testament in maner and forme folloing

First I bequeth my Sole into the hands of allmighty god my heavenly father Hoping to be saved by the merritstory satisfaction of Jesus Christ my onely saviour and redemer and my body to be buried with Christian burial at the dischriscion of my executors after nominated

Item I will and give unto my eldest sun Lorence King one Shelin

Item I will and give to my eldest daughter Mary the wife of Thomas March one Shelin

Item I will and give to my son Salaman King forty pound to be paid when hee Cumes to the age of two and twenty years of age

Item I will and give to my Son Edward King my youngest Son thirty pound when hee Comes to the age of one and twenty yeres and to be brought up at the Cost and Charge of the excototor with meate drinke and aparel and with Scooleing to wright and reede

Item I will and give to my second daughter Elizabeth King Thirty pounds and twenty pounds more that is to say thirty pounds when shee Coms to the age of two and twenty yeres and twenty pounds more two yeres after the first

Item I will and give to my daughter Ann King thirty pounds to be paid when she comes to the age of one and twenty yers

Item I will and give to my daughter Alice King thirty pouds to be paid when she comes to the age of one and twenty years

Item I will and give to my daughter Kateren King Thirty pounds to be paid when she comes to the age of one and twenty years and my will and plessure is that my daughter Ann King and my daughter Alice King and my daughter Katherin King that they shall be sufishently brought up with meate drinke and apparel till they bee at twenty years of age

My will and plessure is to give to my youngest daughters five pounds a pece in houshold goods set forth by indifferent persons

Item I will and give to my Son William King my half oxgang of Land and the Neatwater Close being middow every Containing by estimation one  acer to him and his heires for ever

Item I will and give to my son William King all the rest of my goods Catel and Chattel mufable and unmufable upon Condishon that hee pay all my legacies dets and demands this is due what so ever and doe make him my lawfull and sole Executor of this may last will and testament

Lastly my will and plesure is that if the executor refuse to pay my legacies dets … and demands then I doe put Thomas … and Tho: Stevenson and Evarard Stevenson in full poure and atoraty to get and to pay all my legaces [small hole] what soe ever and the remanes to be distributed amongst my Children as they think fit

In witness I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yere above written

                                                                                                         Elizabeth King

Item it is my will and pleasure that If any of my six Children die before their portions be due that then their portions shall fall Equily amongst the rest of those six youngest that are to marry at that time of there decease

                                                                                                         Elizabeth King

Thomas Stevenson

John Scarborrow


A true Inventory of the Goods Chattels and Cattells of Elizabeth King of Harby in the County of Leicester widdow Lately deceased June the twenty ninth

  £ s d
Imprimis hir pers and aparel 10 00  00
Item in the great parlor one bed and fornitue to tie one table fore Cheres fore      
stoles one Chest fore boxes and one fire iron and other materialls in that rome 7 2 0
Item in the House two tables one forme one Cubort and three Cheres a duson of      
Cushins the fireieren and rackings … tonges and dripin pan and other      
materialls their 4 0 6
Item in the pantery one Chese pres one Churne and a Cimdale and the dresers and      
other materialls 1 15 6
Item in the litel parler two bedes one … one Chist and a broade box and other      
materalls 3
Item in the long buttery two tubes one bed and three barels and other      
materialls 2
Item in the buttery for formes dreser bordes and kichenware and other      
materialls 1
Item in the litel Chamber one bed and fether bed and fornitur to it one table      
two Chises two Cheres one pece of Cloath one bed … and a Civerlind and a set of      
Certins pillow beres napkins and shetes and other things in that roome 12 10 0
Item I the great Chamber 2 bedes and furniture to them and the wool and      
other things 8 5 4
Item in the over Chamber buter and Chese and puter and other small things 7 0 4
Item in the … Chamber two bedes and fornyture to them and two fliches of      
baken 4 0 0
Item for bras and puter in the Chichin a mash far and three tubes and a leade and      
Cornes and other materiales their in the Chichin 9 13 0
Item for plowes and Harroes and ship cribes and flekes Cart and Cart geres and      
plow geares hors troves and swine troves 16 8 2
Item for three … lethers hors … and mangers and bease Cribes and other ofall      
wood in the yard 5 4 6
Item for forkes and a pare of scales and hachets old iren 15 6 0
Item for mares and foles and other draught horses and foles a yere old 73 5 6
Item eighteen bease and ten small bease beside 43 0 0
Item for six skore and ten shepe 38 0 0
Item for three old haistackes 16 0 0
Item for the Crop of the ground barly wheat and pese and hay 140 0 0
Item for the clots plouing and manering 16 0 0
Item Swine yong and old fifteen in all 5 10 0
Item for pullin geese and cockes hens and duckes 1 5 2
Item for things not seene and forgotten 0 5 0
  427 19

Tho: Stevenson

Everard Stevenson