Mary Daft of Hickling 1685 Will
Nottinghamshire Archives PR/NW
In the name of God Amen The eleventh day of June and in the First yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lord James the second by the grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender &c Anno dni 1685 I Mary Dafte at the stone Bridge in Hickling and in the County of Nottingham Widdow being sicke in body but of sound and perfect minde and memory (praised be to God for it) doe here make ordain sett downe my last will and Testament in manner and forme following hereby renounsing all other wills and Testaments whatsoever by me published and declared either by writeing or by word
First and principally I Give and committ my soule into the hands of allmighty God my creatour trusting assuredly in the merritts death and passion of his beloved son Jesus Christ my blessed redeemer to be one of his elect Children and to have a joyfull resurrection in him and my body to the earth whereof it was made to be buryed in the Churchyard of Hickling aforesaid
And concerning all the rest of my worldly goods which God of his greate goodness hath bestowed upon me I give and bequeath them in manner and forme following
Imprimis I give and bequeath to my eldest son John Collishaw of Hickling the sum of one shilling in full satisfaction of his Childe portion
Item I give unto John Collishaw eldest daughter one ew and Lambe of the best sort and to all the rest of his Children I give and bequeath them twelve pence a peece
Item I give and bequeath unto Margarett Guy the wife of Richard Guy of Claxton all my wearing Cloases both best and worst and my will is that all the rest of my daughter Margarett Children shall have twelve pence a peece except her eldest daughter shall have a ewe and a Lambe of the second sort to be choused by Peter Greasley
Item I give to my son Robert Collishaw Twentie pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid within a Twelvemonth by my executor here after named and also I give him two heifers one Blacke one which gives milk and one Red one both on the hither pasture and Likewise I give unto my son Robert one Mare which is called Brooke and her foole and in case she die before me then my will is that he have the best that is liveing at my discease and Likewise I give him Ten sheepe five ewes and Lams and Five sheare sheepe all of the middle sort to be sett out by my sheppherd, and also I give him one Brazen Mortor and pestell belonging to it one warming pan and skimmer
Item my will is that my daughter Margarett Guy have Fourty shillings of current English money to be payed her within a Twelvemonth and a day after my discease
Item I give unto George Dafte my son all the rest residue of all my worldly goods (not bequeathed before) Chattells Cattells debts bils bonds Creditts and writeings of what kinde or nature soever the same be he being att Charges concerning my Funerall Charges
Lastly my will is that my son John Collishaw and George Dafte be sole executors of this my last will and testament
In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written
Mary Dafte her marke
Sealed and Subscribed In the presence of
Stephen Pickard Interlined before the sealing hereof
Henry Browne My will is that the poore of Hickling shall have five pounds to be
William Barlow given to whom my executors think shall stand most good
Probate 14 September 1685