Hugh Daft of Long Whatton 1692 Will and Inventory
Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland Archives PR/T/1692/13
In the name of God Amen the eight day of January in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six hundred nynty & one I Hugh Daft of Long Whatton in the County of Leicester Laborer being weak of body but of perfect minde & memory Doe make & Ordeine this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following
And first I Comend my Soul to god who gave it hoping through Christs merritts & mediation of a full pardon of All my sins & my Body to the earth whence It was taken to bee buryed at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named in full Assurance of a Joyfull Resurrection of Soul & body to everlasting Life
And As to That Reall & personall Estate As God through his mercy hath blessed mee with I Give Devise & bequeath the same As followeth
Imprimis I give & Devise unto Samuel Wild of Long Whatton in the said County of Leicester my now Master And Alice Dafte of the same Towne & County widdow my Deare mother All my Arrable Land in the Severall fields of Long Whatton aforesaid with all hades baulks & Comons with the Apptenances to the said Arrable Land belonging To have & to hold to them the said Samuel Wilde & Alice Daft & their heires nevertheless to the Intent That they or the Survivor of them shall as soone as they can make Sale thereof & with the money Raised by Such Sale of the Said Land pay & Discharge Such money wherewith the said Land is Charged by Mortgage or otherwise & All other Debts & my funerall Charges & Exepences
Item I give & bequeath unto my Loving wife Jane Daft All my personal estate for her maintenance And all my Cottage house wherein I now dwell & Croft thereunto adjoyning to my said wife for & during her Naturall Life from & after the death of my said Mother Alice Daft provided She the said Jane keep her Selfe unmarryed
And if Shee the said Jane shall happen to marry another husband Then in such Case my minde & will is that Shee the said Jane shall have but a third use of my said house & Croft aforesd after my said mothers death as aforesd
And lastly I Doe herby Nominate & Appoint Alice Daft my said Mother & Jane Daft my Loving wife Executors of this my last will & Testament
In Witness whereof I have putt my hand & Seale the same day & yeare first above written
Hugh Daft his marke
Signed sealed & published in the presence of
William Wild
William Cowper
Robert Watts his marke
A True & perfect Inventory of the Goods & Chattells of Hugh Daft Late of Long Whatton in the County of Leicester Decd Taken the 23th day of January Anno Dom 1691 [1691/2]
Impris his purse & Apparell | 01 | 0 | 0 |
One Cow hay & Straw | 02 | 10 | 0 |
One bestead in the parler & a hair Coverlett two Counter paines two | |||
Setts of Curtaines 3 blanketts 2 paire Sheets 2 boulsters two pillowes | |||
& woolbed 3 pillow beares one table Cloath 2 napkins | 01 | 18 | 6 |
A Chest | 00 | 08 | 0 |
Two Coffers & two Boxes | 00 | 06 | 0 |
In the house | |||
One table 3 Buffetts | 0 | 06 | 0 |
Three Bass chairs one Armed Chair | 0 | 03 | 0 |
Two peales one Stoole | 0 | 02 | 0 |
One Dozen trenchers a pewter dish & three Sawcers | 0 | 2 | 6 |
A Brass pann | 0 | 1 | 0 |
One fire Spatter a paire tongues a frog 2 Smothing Irons | 0 | 2 | 0 |
A Goss hooke two Cushions | 0 | 0 | 8 |
6 | 19 | 8 |
Taken & Appraised by us
Wm Wilde
George Goodwyn
Wm Coddington
Probate 8 November 1692